Weekly Commercial Herald clipping

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Blackwell, Stephen B., 1849-; Issaquena County (Miss.)

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Issaquena Politics.

CHOTARD, MISS., Aug. 22.

Editor Commercial Herald.

The Republican convention of Issaquena county met pursuant to call under the "Fusion agreement," Tuesday, August 18th, at Mayersville. Aaron French, chairman of the executive committee, called the meeting to order, John W. Dozier, temporary secretary. After report of the committee on credentials the convention perfected its organization by the election of Aaron French chairman, and John W. Dozier secretary. The convention then proceeded to nominate its part of the ticket as follows: S. B. Blackwell, for the lower house of the legislature; W. S. Ingram, assessor; Benjamin Taylor, coroner and ranger; John W. Dozier, was recommended for the appointment of superintendent of education. After confirming the nominations made by the Democratic convention of August 11th, and endorsing the candidacy of the Hon. W. S. Anderson for the senate and passing a resolution in respect to the memory of Gen. Grant, the convention adjourned sine die. It was one of the most peaceful conventions ever held in "Issaquena" among the Republicans. We think well of all the nominations, with one exception, and that is the nominee for the Legislature - S. B. Blackwell. He is not fit to represent a county at a "pig sty," to say nothing of the Legislature. As you know, Mr. Editor, he is too well known in your city for us to comment on his nomination here. Crops are fine, and no worms yet. "OBSERVER."


Weekly Commercial Herald, “Weekly Commercial Herald clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed February 23, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/229.

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