New National Era clipping

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one of my Representatives. If any one has ever heard of "Charlie" Bush taking back what he has said when he thinks it is right, I have yet to hear of him. He stoops to no man, and I have often wondered how it was that he submitted to the condition of a slave. It may, however, be accounted for that he had what was called a kind master, and who, doubtless, stood a little in dread of him. He allowed no man to insult him in the days of slavery, and you may rest assured he does not allow it now. This is, however, a picture of the rough side of Mr. Bush. On the other, and human side, he is all gentleness to his friends, and may be depended upon at all times. He has a heart full of the milk of human kindness, and is always cheerful and happy.

He left this State in 1866, lived in Boston a couple of years, but returned here in 1869. And in 1871 he was elected to the Legislature from this county. He is appreciated by all our citizens for his honesty, integrity, and firmness. He fills a prominent part in our political arena, and troubles his opponents not a little. He is a man about thirty-eight years of age, and shows a good sprinkling of Indian blood in his color and hair.



New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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