Canton Mail clipping

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Charles Caldwell, colored, and late Senator from Hinds county, and his brother, both very bad men and leading spirits in the late Clinton riot, and the head and center of all the devilment that has been perpetrated in that section of country for several years past, got on a big spree in Clinton last Friday and vented their wrath in abusive oaths upon the peaceably disposed white citizens of Clinton. Not content with this, they drew their revolvers and made threats against the whites. Who fired first, is not positively known, however, a general firing of pistols ensued, resulting in the killing of the two Caldwells (a happy relief to the community,) and the serious wounding of a Dr. Banks, who will probably lose a leg. As a grand finale, and appropriate winding up of Senator Caldwell's earthly career, Rev. J. Aaron Moore, the Meridian murderer and incendiary, preached the funeral sermon. Could a more suitable man have performed the task?


Canton Mail, “Canton Mail clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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