Clarion-Ledger clipping

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Mr. Catchings, chairman, reported as follows:

MR. PRESIDENT: The Committee appointed to investigate the charges against Wm Gray, Senator from the 29th District, report that they proceeded immediately after their appointment to inform themselves in the premises, and to that end placed themselves in communication with Capt. Lawrence Jones, of Lexington, Ky., and Capt. Jno. Shields, of Greenville, Miss. To the former gentleman, the committee are under obligations for prompt and valuable services. He furnished us the enclosed certified copies of indictments pending against said Gray. Capt. Shields would have furnished us with copies of indictments pending against Gray in Washington county, but before he could do so, Gray tendered his resignation, and not desiring to put the State to any further expense, we at once wrote Capt. Shields that it was unnecessary to take any further steps.

We recommend that the accompanying document be spread upon the journal of the Senate, and the resignation of the aforesaid Gray be accepted, and the Auditor of Public Accounts be instructed not to issue a warrant in his favor for his salary for the present year.


An indictment found by the grand jury of Fayette county Kentucky, against William Gray, charging him with grand larceny of one hundred and ten dollars, the property of the Independent Colored Baptist Church, of Lexington, Kentucky; also an indictment against Wm. Gray (col.) by the same grand jury, charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses, by stating to the trustees of the Independent Colored Baptist Church that certain printing for an excursion cost more than it really did, and thereby obtained twenty dollars; also an indictment like last, charging him with obtaining from other parties on the same pretence thirty dollars.

By Mr. Reynolds: A resolution embodying the recommendation of the committee; adopted.



Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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