American Citizen clipping

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Editor Citizen: The celebration of the Emancipation of Slavery in the West India Islands, which was held on the 1st of August, at the Batmore place, in this county, was one of the most successful and pleasant affairs ever witnessed here.

About 12 M., the meeting was called to order by the Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements, Dr. S. H. H. Toles, after which Wm. Gross, Esq., was elected Chairman.

There were present about 2,500 persons. Hon. J. J. Spelman, orator of the day, was called for and addressed the audience in an unusually happy manner on the emancipation of the slaves of the British West Indies. He was followed by David Jenkins, Esq., on the same theme, that gentleman seemed wholly in his element when addressing so large a concourse on that important subject.

Other speakers then followed, among whom were Dr. S. H. H. Toles, Messrs. Fairfax, Dixon and Coleman.

A letter of regret was read from Hon. Alfred Handy for his unavoidable absence.

The following committee was then appointed on resolutions: John Otis, David Jenkins, J. J. Spelman and Dr. S. H. H. Toles.


Resolved, That we will always stand upon the principles of the Republican party; that we will vote for no persons of any other party; that we will maintain the Republican party as the party of freedom and of progress; and we will use every effort to have honorable efficient, and patriotic men nominated as our candidates for office.

Resolved, That we believe that Cuba should be free from oppression and Spanish rule; and we believe it the duty of the United States to recognize the Republicans of Cuba as having an existence and an organized government, with all the rights of a permanent nation of the earth, and that we will support no one to Congress who is not pledged to this work of freedom.

Resolved, That we denounce every effort made to create parties based on color, or even a claim for office upon this ground alone, but at the same time we claim and demand that Republicans of either color shall have a proportional share of official patronage.

Resolved, That in all future conventions for nominating candidates for office, in order that a fair expression of the wishes of the delegates may be had, that we recommend that the vote be taken viva voce instead of by ballot; and that the convention be not hampered with parliamentary rules, but that it be governed by a few simple rules, understood by all, thus preventing much confusion, and misunderstanding.



American Citizen, “American Citizen clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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