Muskogee Daily Phoenix clipping

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The Fourth National Convention of the Civil War Revenue Cotton Tax Claimants

The Civil War Revenue Cotton Tax Claimants of the South will convene in National Convention at Ward Chapel, A. M. E. Church, at corner of Ninth and Denison Streets, Muskogee, Okla., at 10:00 o'clock a.m. on Saturday, August 30-31st, 1919. There will be delegates from Florida, Georgia, Alabama, the Carolinas, Virginia, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas and various sections of Oklahoma.


Religious services commencing promptly at 9:00 o'clock a.m. on the 30th, led and conducted by Rev. W. L. Hicks, State Messenger for the State of Florida, assisted by Rev. Louis Carter, State President for Alabama, Rev. A. H. Brown, State Delegate from Mississippi, and Mrs. M. A. Chaffel, State Delegate from Louisiana.

At 10:00 o'clock a.m. the Convention will be formally opened by the National President and many formal measures will be transacted. This notice is given to the public, that full invitation may be extended to all persons who labored in the cotton fields of the South during the years of 1858 to 1863. All such persons are interested in the result of this movement, and to them and their heirs this caused is aimed for relief.

All business of the convention will be transacted at the sessions of the 30th inst.; including appointments of committees and adoption of reports of the same.

Sunday morning, the 31st inst., at 11 o'clock, Memorial Services will be held at Ward Chapel, A. M. E. Church, conducted by Rev. T. M. Green, pastor, assisted by Reverends A. H. Brown of Mississippi, R. L. Wilson of Florida, and others. Thereafter the Chief, Cornelius J. Jones of Muskogee, Okla., will deliver his annual address reviewing the progress of the movement since the last National Convention. Memorial offering will be then taken up, and the convention formally adjourned.

CORNELIUS J. JONES, Chief Counsel.


Muskogee Daily Phoenix, “Muskogee Daily Phoenix clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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