American Citizen clipping
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The constitution and laws of Mississippi guarantee to all, irrespective of race, color or previous condition of servitude, the elective franchise and eligibility to office. Such, too, is the sentiment embodied in the great charter of American liberty and impressed upon all our institutions. Yet Matthew Levy, who knows that there are two colored voters to every white one in the county, and who believes, as he says, that the better class of the whites are opposed to all schemes of intimidation, asks for additional guarantees. Unless Mr. Chairman Handy and twenty-two other "intelligent and conservative white Democrats" secure to him and his people "a fair and just recognition of their rights," they, instead of making another Runnymede, will run to Kansas.
The constitution and laws of Mississippi guarantee to all, irrespective of race, color or previous condition of servitude, the elective franchise and eligibility to office. Such, too, is the sentiment embodied in the great charter of American liberty and impressed upon all our institutions. Yet Matthew Levy, who knows that there are two colored voters to every white one in the county, and who believes, as he says, that the better class of the whites are opposed to all schemes of intimidation, asks for additional guarantees. Unless Mr. Chairman Handy and twenty-two other "intelligent and conservative white Democrats" secure to him and his people "a fair and just recognition of their rights," they, instead of making another Runnymede, will run to Kansas.
American Citizen, “American Citizen clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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