Clarion-Ledger clipping
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J. Aaron Moore figured prominently in the Alcorn-Ames wrangle in the Senate. It was the boast of Alcorn that he took the martyr to Meridian in the late canvass. He said: "I took him to Meridian with me and showed him to the people. I made the point in my speech of having Mr. Aaron Moore there." It was to this grand entry that Aaron referred in the conclusion of the following letter which we have copied from the Gazette:
Jackson, 1871, Miss., Oct 16th.
DR. R. H. Witt
Sir your of the 14 is ate hand and conthens nosed. I am gest like you I say hold ontil we all git to ghear an thean we can fight all thangs I am for the Prosterptey of the Peartey thear is nuthen to geane by deviden boute a greate Eaid to lose it the Trou repubel of Lauderdale will come to ghear and consloldate on one Ticked we can wing the tight geaste Eayzea as we pleas. I shald like to see all to ghear I teald like we are a gread one wune Tucked. I am veary soryer that you cant gete Mr. Tom Rose to say whate he is. I thank that I shald be thear in a fu days with the help of Geard you mouste capte me Posed (posted) I Reman your hombel searven.
Jackson, 1871, Miss., Oct 16th.
DR. R. H. Witt
Sir your of the 14 is ate hand and conthens nosed. I am gest like you I say hold ontil we all git to ghear an thean we can fight all thangs I am for the Prosterptey of the Peartey thear is nuthen to geane by deviden boute a greate Eaid to lose it the Trou repubel of Lauderdale will come to ghear and consloldate on one Ticked we can wing the tight geaste Eayzea as we pleas. I shald like to see all to ghear I teald like we are a gread one wune Tucked. I am veary soryer that you cant gete Mr. Tom Rose to say whate he is. I thank that I shald be thear in a fu days with the help of Geard you mouste capte me Posed (posted) I Reman your hombel searven.
Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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