Cincinnati Enquirer clipping
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SAMUEL A. SANDERLIN, residing near McKinneyville, Sharkey County, State of Mississippi, and Minnie E. Sanderlin and Holland W. Sanderlin, a minor aged 17 years, both residing in the City of Vicksburg, State of Mississippi, will take notice that on the THIRD DAY OF JULY, A.D. 1880, in the Court of Common Pleas of Hamilton County, in the State of Ohio, case No. 62,663, on the docket of said Court, a petition was filed by Nancy E. Sanderlin, and is now pending, setting forth that the said Nancy E. Sanderlin has a legal right to, and is seized in fee simple of, one equal undivided one-fourth part in and to, and that she demands partition of, the following real estate, to wit:
All that certain lot of land in the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, commencing at the south-west corner of Sloo alley and Harriet street; thence west on the south line of said Sloo alley fifty feet; thence south twenty-five feet and ten inches; thence east fifty feet to the west line of Harriet street; thence north twenty-five feet ten inches to the place of beginning. Also, all that other parcel of ground situate in the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, taken off the rear end of lot No. ten (10) of subdivision of lots made by Ramsey & Wade (which lot was sold by John C. Avery, Sheriff, by deed recorded in Book No. 72, page 18, to John Simons; said lot fronting twenty-five feet on the north side of Front street, and running back to Sloo alley); twenty-five feet ten inches off the rear end next to Sloo alley of the east side of said lot, running across the distance of twenty-two feet six inches on the west side of said original lot; said alley to be used in common by the owners of the ground herein described.
And the said Samuel A. Sanderlin, Minnie E. Sanderlin and Holland W. Sanderlin, a minor aged 17 years, are hereby notified that they are required to answer said petition on or before September 11, 1880.
Cincinnati, July 9, 1880.
SAMUEL A. SANDERLIN, residing near McKinneyville, Sharkey County, State of Mississippi, and Minnie E. Sanderlin and Holland W. Sanderlin, a minor aged 17 years, both residing in the City of Vicksburg, State of Mississippi, will take notice that on the THIRD DAY OF JULY, A.D. 1880, in the Court of Common Pleas of Hamilton County, in the State of Ohio, case No. 62,663, on the docket of said Court, a petition was filed by Nancy E. Sanderlin, and is now pending, setting forth that the said Nancy E. Sanderlin has a legal right to, and is seized in fee simple of, one equal undivided one-fourth part in and to, and that she demands partition of, the following real estate, to wit:
All that certain lot of land in the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, commencing at the south-west corner of Sloo alley and Harriet street; thence west on the south line of said Sloo alley fifty feet; thence south twenty-five feet and ten inches; thence east fifty feet to the west line of Harriet street; thence north twenty-five feet ten inches to the place of beginning. Also, all that other parcel of ground situate in the City of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, taken off the rear end of lot No. ten (10) of subdivision of lots made by Ramsey & Wade (which lot was sold by John C. Avery, Sheriff, by deed recorded in Book No. 72, page 18, to John Simons; said lot fronting twenty-five feet on the north side of Front street, and running back to Sloo alley); twenty-five feet ten inches off the rear end next to Sloo alley of the east side of said lot, running across the distance of twenty-two feet six inches on the west side of said original lot; said alley to be used in common by the owners of the ground herein described.
And the said Samuel A. Sanderlin, Minnie E. Sanderlin and Holland W. Sanderlin, a minor aged 17 years, are hereby notified that they are required to answer said petition on or before September 11, 1880.
Cincinnati, July 9, 1880.
Cincinnati Enquirer, “Cincinnati Enquirer clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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