Daily State Ledger clipping

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Dr. Stringer Criticises the Interview With Hon. J. R. Lynch.

He Charges That the Distinguished Colored Politician is an Artful Dodger.

Rev. Dr. T. W. Stringer, the Hill Chairman of the State Republican Executive Committee was in the city to-day, and was asked by a STATE LEDGER reporter what he thought of the interview with John R. Lynch as published in yesterday's paper.

The Doctor said that he had read the article and was very much surprised that Mr. Lynch should have published such wild assertions, knowing full well he could not substantiate them.

"I have a list here," said the doctor, "of all the State chairmen and secretaries for the several States. This list was made up and printed on Sept. 20, 1892, by the National Republican Executive Committee, (since Sept. 20, the National Executive Committee has not met) and it is no forgery. Read for yourself and see that I am down on the list as chairman, and T. V. McAllister, as secretary. We are both warm and earnest supporters of Hon James Hill, and members of what is known as the "Hill faction" in this State.

Mr. Hill was elected member of the National Republican Executive Committee at Minneapolis, by a unanimous vote of both factions and what we have done in Mississippi has been at his suggestion, or with his approval.

Mr. Lynch knew this as well as I did. If you will read carefully what he says in that interview you will see he does not say Matthews has been recognized by the National Republican Executive Committee, but by the "National Committee." That was very artful dodging - Mr. Lynch wanted to make it appear that the Matthews committee had been recognized by the highest authority, without saying so. That I am the accredited head of the party in Mississippi is evidenced every day by the communications and letters I receive from chairman Carter.

I was not only surprised but regret exceedingly that Mr. Lynch, just on the eve of a National election, and while negotiations for a settlement of local differences are in progress, should have thrown such a firebrand into the ranks of the Republican party; it can do no good, and may prolong the factional war in Mississippi. The Hill men here are all giving Mr. Harrison cheerful and hearty support, and do not propose to swallow any Third party medicine as suggested by Mr. Lynch.

As to the charge that we are working in the interest of and at the dictation of the Democrats, it is simply not true. We are true Republicans, and as such would keep up party lines in every direction. The Democrats would be foolish to make any overtures to Republicans in Mississippi, for the simple reason that under existing State laws they do not need our assistance. The Republican electors for the State at large and for the 3d, 5th and 7th districts were nominated in February last, some months previous to the time Mr. Harrison was nominated, and thus it will be seen the putting out of a State electoral ticket was no after thought on our part. I advise all Republicans, to vote the straight ticket for electors and congressmen, whether they belong to one faction or the other.


Daily State Ledger, “Daily State Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/979.

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