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10769 Petrified wood.jpg
(DSM# 10769) Mississippi is home to the largest deposits of petrified wood east of the Mississippi.

10768 Pet fossil 2.jpg
(DSM# 10768) Mississippi is home to the largest deposits of petrified wood east of the Mississippi.

(unnumbered) The state fossil of Mississippi is the 'toothed whale". Basilosaurus cetoides is one of the two species of toothed whale found in the state, the other being Zygorhiza kochii.

Bison femur.jpg
(DSM #FQP105) This femur is about three times the size of a modern domesticated steer.

Mastodon molar.jpg
(no number) Mastodon teeth have higher pointier cusps than mammoth teeth.


DSM 10767 Devonian trilobites etc.jpg
(DSM# 10767)

Fish PB Chalk.jpg
(DSM# FK196) This articulated (intact) fish skeleton found in north Mississippi has not yet been identified.

Anomoedus tooth plate.jpg
(DSM# K83) Extinct order of bony fish.

Scapanorhynchus raphiodon texanus GOBLIN SHARK and.jpg
(DSM# 10764) The Goblin shark is a deep water scavenger that is still alive today.
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