Browse Items (155 total)

Fish PB Chalk.jpg
(DSM# FK196) This articulated (intact) fish skeleton found in north Mississippi has not yet been identified.

Anomoedus tooth plate.jpg
(DSM# K83) Extinct order of bony fish.

Fish scales coprolite.jpg
(DSM# CH507) Unidentied fish scales. Possibly preserved in a coprolite (preserved poop).

Squalicorax prisnodontus kaupi.jpg
(DSM# 10752) Extinct family of scavenging shark.

Cretelamna appendiculata mosa site.jpg
(DSM# 10753) Extinct family of predatory shark that may be the ancestor of mega-toothed shark such as Megalodon and Otodus.

Scapanorhynchus raphiodon texanus GOBLIN SHARK and.jpg
(DSM# 10764) The Goblin shark is a deep water scavenger that is still alive today.

Cylindrocanthus sp.jpg
(DSM# 10668) This complete rostrum of a ray finned fish is a rare find.

Dallasaurus turneri PB.jpg
(DSM# CH) It is believed that mosasaurs gave birth to live babies rather than laying eggs. These very small vertebrae could belong to the small species of mosasaur listed here or they may be the backbones of the baby of a much larger species.

Tylosaureen jaw fragment Margaret Burkeen Pheba MS.jpg
(uncatalogued) This is the lower jaw fragment of a Mosasaur-like creature.

Mosasaur quadrate and jaw.jpg
(DSM# CH16) This represents a small species of Mosasaur. Post cranials of this specimen have also been found and excavated.
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