Browse Items (155 total)

M76 M172 Steinkerns.jpg
(DSM #M76 and #M172) These interal casts show the shape of the inside of a cavity such as a shell or brain. When you have an imprint of the outside of an organism it is calleda mold.

Fagaceae beech.jpg

M261 Cretaceous Eutrephoceras sp.jpg
(DSM #M261) This extinct genus of Nautilus lived in seas from the Late Jurassic until the Miocene.

3055 Horse tooth with chew marks.jpg
(DSM #3055) This horse tooth has tooth marks from a rodent that gnawed on the tooth after the horse died. Rodents chew on hard items to keep their teeth healthy.

3054 Horse Tooth1.jpg
(DSM #3054) Horse molars are very long with a flat chewing surface.

Mosasaur Small 2x2 sticker.jpg
Dunn-Seiler Museum sticker by Amy Moe-Hoffman from January 2022

Dr Paul Heaney Dunn 1895-1967 Dept Head 1934-1962.jpg
Photograph of Dr. Paul Heaney Dunn, Head of the Department of Geology and Geography at Mississippi State from 1934-1962

Crinoid drawing.jpg
This drawing will help you learn the different parts of a crinoid. Crinoids often disarticulate (fall apart) when they die so you are most likely to find individual stem pieces or pieces of calyx.

1871 Crab carapace Prairie Bluff Student Collection.jpg
(DSM# 1871) This crab was found near the Mississippi State University campus and has not yet been identified to Genus or species level.

Clam drawing.jpg
This drawing will help you learn the different parts of a clam. The beak and teeth are usually the thickest part of th clam so that is the area that is most often preserved. Steinkerns (internal molds) are quite common.
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