In this Western Union telegram, an anonymous person from Greenwood, Mississippi, writes to MSU President Dean W. Colvard, expressing their opposition to MSU playing Loyola Chicago, a team with Black players, in the NCAA tournament. The person…
The caption "Mississippi State Athletics-- the year that was…" accompanies various photos of Mississippi State University's athletes and their respective sports. It also includes the teams' records for the season.
The first letter to the editor is a counter point to an article published in a previous issue of The Reflector wherein the letter's author makes five counterpoints to the arguments made in the editorial originally titled, "SA Neglects Blacks." The…
This newspaper editorial piece discusses the opinion poll The Reflector published concerning the minority representation in the Student Association senate with an over all vote that minorities deserve representation. Another poll concerning whether…
This editorial, submitted by a Mississippi State University student, advocates for Black students' right to have student Association representation and argues that all people have the right be represented in their governing body.
In this cartoon, the artist, Bob, ridiculed the pro-segregationist argument that Black Americans did not want their children to attend white schools. A klansman is depicted outside a school. The cartoonist used a caption bubble to note that…
This article provides examples from a recent questionnaire given to random Mississippi State University Students to determine racial attitudes of both black and white students. Some of the responses contain incendiary words.
This article discusses the newly formed women's basketball team, the first in Mississippi State University history. The article goes on to name all the team's players and provide the schedule for the remainder of the year.