Browse Items (1893 total)

Gervilliopsis ensiformis FK161.jpg
(DSM# FK161) Extinct genus of suspension feeder.

3182 Veniella cf conradi.jpg
(DSM# FK193) Extinct genus of marine bivalve.

(DSM# 10757) Steinkern (internal mold) of clam. There is only one living genus in the family Arcticidae.

Paranomia scabra 2.jpg
(DSM# FK156) Genus of bivalve mollusk.

1876 Anomia argentaria.jpg
(DSM# 1876) These small marine clams are found in sediments that range from the late Cretaceous all the way to the Paleocene, which means they survived the K-Pg extinction.

3847 Biradiolites sp.jpg
(DSM# 3847/FK192 Genus of bivalve that lived in shallow subtidal marine environments

Rostellites angularis PB Ok.jpg
(DSM# M78) Extinct genus of marine snail

Turritella vertibroides.jpg
(DSM# 3258/FK182) Extant genus - Turritellid snails are suspension feeders with an elongated shell. Suspension feeder means that the creature feeds on particles that are suspended in the water.

Turritella sp steinkern.jpg
(DSM# M502) Extant genus of marine snail that had an operculum to cover the snail when it retreated into its shell.

Fusimilus proximus.jpg
(DSM# 4095/3258/FK336) An extinct genus of epifaunal carnivorous gastropods.
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