Clarion-Ledger clipping
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Grand Rally at Brownsville and Bolton.
EDITORS CLARION: The canvass in Hinds was opened auspiciously at Brownsville and Bolton on the 21st by Maj. Barksdale and J. B. Harris, Esq., who addressed the people at both places by previous appointment. At Bolton, the speakers were met by Messrs. Robinson, Williams and Withers, who accompanied them to Brownsville. At that place, Mr. Harris spoke first, and contrasted in glowing style the merits of the opposing candidates for Congress. His speech was eloquent in language, and was delivered in a most effective style; producing a marked impression. Maj. Barksdale followed, and was listened to with eager attention from the beginning to the close of his speech of two hours, in which he discussed the prominent topics of the hour, and pointed out the abuses of the present administration needing reform. Besides the large attendance from Hinds, "Little Texas," of Madison, was present in her numbers. The speakers and their friends were elegantly and hospitably entertained by Dr. J. D. McConnell, who introduced Maj. Barksdale in words of touching kindness and compliment, referring to his long and intimate association with him before either of them became citizens of Hinds county.
The speaking commenced late in the afternoon to a large audience of both races. At the conclusion of the addresses of Messrs. Barksdale and Harris, Mr. Weldon Hicks, a prominent colored citizen of Hinds, was called upon and gave in a very explicit and clear style the reasons that would impel him as a friend of both races, and especially in the interest of his own race, to support Maj. Barksdale. Harry Peyton, Esq., who had presided over the meeting, in response to loud calls, closed it with some eloquent and impromptu remarks. On the whole, it was a good day for the friends of honest home rule.
BOLTON, October 23, 1882.
EDITORS CLARION: The canvass in Hinds was opened auspiciously at Brownsville and Bolton on the 21st by Maj. Barksdale and J. B. Harris, Esq., who addressed the people at both places by previous appointment. At Bolton, the speakers were met by Messrs. Robinson, Williams and Withers, who accompanied them to Brownsville. At that place, Mr. Harris spoke first, and contrasted in glowing style the merits of the opposing candidates for Congress. His speech was eloquent in language, and was delivered in a most effective style; producing a marked impression. Maj. Barksdale followed, and was listened to with eager attention from the beginning to the close of his speech of two hours, in which he discussed the prominent topics of the hour, and pointed out the abuses of the present administration needing reform. Besides the large attendance from Hinds, "Little Texas," of Madison, was present in her numbers. The speakers and their friends were elegantly and hospitably entertained by Dr. J. D. McConnell, who introduced Maj. Barksdale in words of touching kindness and compliment, referring to his long and intimate association with him before either of them became citizens of Hinds county.
The speaking commenced late in the afternoon to a large audience of both races. At the conclusion of the addresses of Messrs. Barksdale and Harris, Mr. Weldon Hicks, a prominent colored citizen of Hinds, was called upon and gave in a very explicit and clear style the reasons that would impel him as a friend of both races, and especially in the interest of his own race, to support Maj. Barksdale. Harry Peyton, Esq., who had presided over the meeting, in response to loud calls, closed it with some eloquent and impromptu remarks. On the whole, it was a good day for the friends of honest home rule.
BOLTON, October 23, 1882.
Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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