Clarion-Ledger clipping

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The Eighteenth at Raymond.

The Hancock and English Club at the county seat opened the ball in Hinds in fine style on the 18th inst. It is the anniversary of the historic day of gallant old Hinds, and our neighbors of the Gazette, the senior of whom is the central figure and generalisimo of the Democracy of the county, said that the campaign must be opened on that day, and opened it was, in grand style. A fine basket dinner was served. The Bolton band discoursed good music. One of the features of the day, was the procession of the Bolton Club with Hon. Weldon Hicks (colored) bearing the party colors. The ladies gave eclat to the occasion by their attendance and their interest in the proceedings; and the able and instructive speeches of Hon. C. E. Hooker, our eloquent Representative in Congress, and Hon. R. V. Booth, of Warren, created a decided impression.




Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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