Clarion-Ledger clipping
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The barbecue which was given by the colored people of our town and vicinity last Thursday was a grand success in every way. The programme of the day was opened with music by the brass band, which was kindly and gratuitously furnished by the young men of our town. The Hon. Weldon Hicks (col.), who introduced the following persons in the order named: Mr. Robert Mitchell (col.), prayer; Capt. C. S. North, of Raymond; F. J. Woods (col.), county; Col. S. M. Shelton, Raymond, and L. K. Atwood (col.), Bolton, delivered speeches. The remarks of each of the above gentlemen deserve special mention, being conspicuous for their good advice and encouraging words with no allusion in any way whatever to politics, and if any one doubts that perfect peace and harmony doesn't prevail among the races here, all they have to do to convince themselves is simply to attend just such an affair as the one we are now describing. After the speeches, dinner was announced, and the whites, who were numerously represented, were informed that a separate table had been prepared for their especial benefit and that they were respectfully invited to remain and partake of the bountiful supply of good things that had been provided for the occasion. It is needless to say that the invitation was accepted and everything passed off as pleasantly as could have been desired. After dinner dancing was indulged in by the colored people at the grand platform, on the grounds until dark, when they repaired to Hare's Hall where they kept up the festivities of the day until a late hour. Good order prevailed throughout. There were nearly 3000 present; the tables which were 500 feet long, were set the second time, and every one present certainly got all they wanted to eat. The refreshment stands that were on the grounds and managed under the auspices of the Methodist and Baptist churches, realized very handsomely. In fact we have failed to hear the first complaint from any one, and in any particular. Too much praise cannot be awarded our colored people for the successful and creditable manner in which they conducted the grand affair.
Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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