Vicksburg Times & Republican clipping
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Jacobs, Henry P.; Carter, Hannibal C.; Stewart, Isham; Davis, Alexander Kelso; Caldwell, Charles, -1875; Morgan, A. T. (Albert Talmon); Hill, James, 1846-1903; Cardozo, Thomas W. (Thomas Whitmarsh), 1838-1881; Barrow, Peter Barnabus; Webster, John D., -1887; Spelman, James J.; Political conventions
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State Convention.
The Convention was called to order at 12 m., by Hon A. Warner, Chairman of the State Republican Executive Committee, with Hon. O. C. French as Secretary. By invitation, Rev. H. P. Jacobs, of Natchez, opened the proceedings by a prayer.
Hon. Henry W. Warren, of Leake County, was by motion unanimously called to preside as temporary chairman over the deliberations of the Convention. Mr. Warren took the stand amid hearty and prolonged applause, and soon rivetted the profound attention of all in an eloquent address, in which, after thanking the delegates for the high compliment so unexpectedly bestowed upon him, he urged upon them the necessity of choosing for their standard bearers in this, their privilege, men whose honesty, loyalty and capability could not be questioned - men whose record would be proof against every attack, and who would bring with them the entire strength of the Republican party.
The selection of a nominee for Lieutenant Governor now being in order, Col. W. H. Parker, of Montgomery county, offered the name of Hannibal C. Carter, in an eloquent address, teeming with eulogistic sentiment in favor of that gentleman. This nomination was received with much enthusiasm. Mr. Stewart, of Noxubee, nominated Hon. A. K. Davis, of Noxubee, which received the endorsement of a great many. Mr. Werles, of Washington, placed in nomination the name of Hon. Finis H. Little. Mr. Settles nominated Hon. Charles Caldwell, of Hinds. Mr. Dixon placed in nomination, Hon. A. T. Morgan, of Yazoo. There was considerable discussion upon the merits of the candidates, pending which a motion was made to adjourn till to-day at 9 o'clock A.M., and carried.
The balloting for nomination for Lieutenant Governor being in order, a vote was taken, resulting as follows, Messrs. Sullivan, Lowd and White being appointed tellers: H. C. Carter 92, A. K. Davis 52, Charles Caldwell 39, F. H. Little 27, A. T. Morgan 10, scattering 7 - total number of votes cast, 220. The number necessary to a choice being 111, there was no selection, and a second vote was taken, as follows: Carter 90, Davis 70, Caldwell 44, Little 14, Morgan 9, scattering 4; total 229. No candidate having received the requisite number for a choice, another ballot was called, when Mr. Little, having thanked the members for their support, withdrew his name.
Mr. Caldwell also withdrew, amid deafening cheers,
Mr. James Dixon withdrew the name of Hon A T Morgan.
The ballot being now proceeded for the third time, the following was announced:
A K Davis, of Noxubee county, 119; H C Carter, of Warren, 99; Charles Caldwell 4, B K Bruce 4, scattering 3.
Mr. Davis, having received a majority of the votes cast, was declared the nominee.
The announcement being received with hearty applause, Mr. Carter rose and thanked the convention for their support, and moved that Mr. Davis be nominated unanimously, which was received with much enthusiasm. Three rousing cheers were given for Mr. Carter.
As some of our readers may not know the gentleman nominated to the high office of Lieutenant Governor, we will state that Mr. Davis has served for four years in the Legislature, with much distinction, as an honorable and high toned gentleman, admired by every class for his generous and manly course, and by Republicans for his unfaltering efforts to promote the best interests of every citizen of the State.
Mr. Davis is a resident of Macon, in Noxubee county. He is one of the most accomplished colored men in the State, and has, by his quiet, gentlemanly and straight forward course, succeeded in combining the large vote which selected him as the nominee for Lieutenant Governor.
Nominations for Secretary of State being next in order, the following were made:
Mr. Howe, of Panola, nominated Mr. Jas Hill of Marshall; Col Chas E Furlong, of Warren, nominated Mr T W Cardozo, seconded by Hon Peter Barrow; Mr D L McCawley, of Colfax, nominated Mr W B Jones, of Alcorn; Hon E H Stiles, of Claibourne, nominated Mr Thos Richardson, of Claiborne.
Mr C W Clarke, of Washington, placed in nomination the name of Hon J D Webster, of Washington; seconded by Hon H C Carter, of Warren.
Hon O C French, of Smith, nominated Hon H P Jacobs, of Adams.
Mr. Sumner, of Holmes, nominated Mr J J Spellman.
Mr Werles, of Washington, nominated Mr H T Florey.
A balloting being called for, Messrs Stiles, Gilmer and Lynch were appointed tellers.
The following is the result of the first ballot:
Mr Hill, 81. Webster, 30; Cardozo, 33; Jones, 23; Spellman, 18; Jacobs, 15; Richardson, 19. There was no whice, the requisite number being 113. The name of Mr A D Jones was withdrawn and Hon Charles Caldwell was authorized to withdraw the name of Mr. T. W. Cardozo, in favor of Mr. James Hill.
On a second ballot Mr. Hill was chosen by the following vote: Hill 133, Webster 45, Jacobs 6, Cardozo 8, Richardson 19, Spelman 10, scattering 3.
On motion of Mr. J. D. Webster, who thanked the convention for their support, the nomination of Mr. Hill was made unanimous. That gentleman, being called to the stand, expressed his acknowledgment for the honor conferred, and proposed three cheers for Hon. J. D. Webster, which were given with a will.
The Convention was called to order at 12 m., by Hon A. Warner, Chairman of the State Republican Executive Committee, with Hon. O. C. French as Secretary. By invitation, Rev. H. P. Jacobs, of Natchez, opened the proceedings by a prayer.
Hon. Henry W. Warren, of Leake County, was by motion unanimously called to preside as temporary chairman over the deliberations of the Convention. Mr. Warren took the stand amid hearty and prolonged applause, and soon rivetted the profound attention of all in an eloquent address, in which, after thanking the delegates for the high compliment so unexpectedly bestowed upon him, he urged upon them the necessity of choosing for their standard bearers in this, their privilege, men whose honesty, loyalty and capability could not be questioned - men whose record would be proof against every attack, and who would bring with them the entire strength of the Republican party.
The selection of a nominee for Lieutenant Governor now being in order, Col. W. H. Parker, of Montgomery county, offered the name of Hannibal C. Carter, in an eloquent address, teeming with eulogistic sentiment in favor of that gentleman. This nomination was received with much enthusiasm. Mr. Stewart, of Noxubee, nominated Hon. A. K. Davis, of Noxubee, which received the endorsement of a great many. Mr. Werles, of Washington, placed in nomination the name of Hon. Finis H. Little. Mr. Settles nominated Hon. Charles Caldwell, of Hinds. Mr. Dixon placed in nomination, Hon. A. T. Morgan, of Yazoo. There was considerable discussion upon the merits of the candidates, pending which a motion was made to adjourn till to-day at 9 o'clock A.M., and carried.
The balloting for nomination for Lieutenant Governor being in order, a vote was taken, resulting as follows, Messrs. Sullivan, Lowd and White being appointed tellers: H. C. Carter 92, A. K. Davis 52, Charles Caldwell 39, F. H. Little 27, A. T. Morgan 10, scattering 7 - total number of votes cast, 220. The number necessary to a choice being 111, there was no selection, and a second vote was taken, as follows: Carter 90, Davis 70, Caldwell 44, Little 14, Morgan 9, scattering 4; total 229. No candidate having received the requisite number for a choice, another ballot was called, when Mr. Little, having thanked the members for their support, withdrew his name.
Mr. Caldwell also withdrew, amid deafening cheers,
Mr. James Dixon withdrew the name of Hon A T Morgan.
The ballot being now proceeded for the third time, the following was announced:
A K Davis, of Noxubee county, 119; H C Carter, of Warren, 99; Charles Caldwell 4, B K Bruce 4, scattering 3.
Mr. Davis, having received a majority of the votes cast, was declared the nominee.
The announcement being received with hearty applause, Mr. Carter rose and thanked the convention for their support, and moved that Mr. Davis be nominated unanimously, which was received with much enthusiasm. Three rousing cheers were given for Mr. Carter.
As some of our readers may not know the gentleman nominated to the high office of Lieutenant Governor, we will state that Mr. Davis has served for four years in the Legislature, with much distinction, as an honorable and high toned gentleman, admired by every class for his generous and manly course, and by Republicans for his unfaltering efforts to promote the best interests of every citizen of the State.
Mr. Davis is a resident of Macon, in Noxubee county. He is one of the most accomplished colored men in the State, and has, by his quiet, gentlemanly and straight forward course, succeeded in combining the large vote which selected him as the nominee for Lieutenant Governor.
Nominations for Secretary of State being next in order, the following were made:
Mr. Howe, of Panola, nominated Mr. Jas Hill of Marshall; Col Chas E Furlong, of Warren, nominated Mr T W Cardozo, seconded by Hon Peter Barrow; Mr D L McCawley, of Colfax, nominated Mr W B Jones, of Alcorn; Hon E H Stiles, of Claibourne, nominated Mr Thos Richardson, of Claiborne.
Mr C W Clarke, of Washington, placed in nomination the name of Hon J D Webster, of Washington; seconded by Hon H C Carter, of Warren.
Hon O C French, of Smith, nominated Hon H P Jacobs, of Adams.
Mr. Sumner, of Holmes, nominated Mr J J Spellman.
Mr Werles, of Washington, nominated Mr H T Florey.
A balloting being called for, Messrs Stiles, Gilmer and Lynch were appointed tellers.
The following is the result of the first ballot:
Mr Hill, 81. Webster, 30; Cardozo, 33; Jones, 23; Spellman, 18; Jacobs, 15; Richardson, 19. There was no whice, the requisite number being 113. The name of Mr A D Jones was withdrawn and Hon Charles Caldwell was authorized to withdraw the name of Mr. T. W. Cardozo, in favor of Mr. James Hill.
On a second ballot Mr. Hill was chosen by the following vote: Hill 133, Webster 45, Jacobs 6, Cardozo 8, Richardson 19, Spelman 10, scattering 3.
On motion of Mr. J. D. Webster, who thanked the convention for their support, the nomination of Mr. Hill was made unanimous. That gentleman, being called to the stand, expressed his acknowledgment for the honor conferred, and proposed three cheers for Hon. J. D. Webster, which were given with a will.
Vicksburg Times & Republican, “Vicksburg Times & Republican clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 14, 2025,
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