Daily State Ledger clipping
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Naturally Thinks Harrison Will be Elected.
Says He Will Carry New York, Connecticut and Indiana.
Believes Republicans Will Reach Harlem Bridge With 90,000.
Devotes a Good Deal of Time to Republican Quarrels in Mississippi and Alabama.
Hon. John R. Lynch, Mr. Harrison's Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, was in the city to-day and talked freely on political matters. He has made speeches recently at Boston, and in Wisconsin and Illinois and is now enroute to his old home at Natchez, where he will remain till after the election. Being asked if he had noticed that Mississippi had out a Republican electoral ticket, he said:
"Yes, I see that the Hill faction has put out an electoral ticket, but it will amount to nothing. The Hill faction in Mississippi is about on a par with the Stevens faction in Alabama. The National party leaders believe that under the existing order of things, it is useless for Republicans to make straight party nominations in the extreme Southern States, except here and there in Congressional districts, where the local circumstances may justify a different course.
"If there be an effective organization in such States and districts in opposition to the regular Democrats, outside of the Republican party, the better course for the Republicans to pursue is to cooperate, as far as it may be practicable for them to do so, with said organization. This is the course that is being pursued by Southern Republicans generally, especially in Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi. But there is a small crowd of dissatisfied Republicans in Alabama and Mississippi who insist upon making straight party nominations for everything, against the wishes and contrary to the judgment of the National leaders. These men are working, of course, in the interest of the Democrats and it is now generally believed that they are working under instructions from Democrats.
"At any rate the National Committee has discovered just what their purposes are and therefore has decided to take decisive steps in the matter by recognizing in Alabama the State Committee of which Dr. Mosely is chairman, and in Mississippi the Committee of which J. M. Matthews is chairman. The controversy is therefore decided by the only tribunal that can pass upon it."
Lynch says the Republicans will carry New York, Indiana, Connecticut and Illinois. He thinks New York is more reliably Republican than Indiana, and that the Republicans will reach Harlem bridge with more than 90,000 majority.
Naturally Thinks Harrison Will be Elected.
Says He Will Carry New York, Connecticut and Indiana.
Believes Republicans Will Reach Harlem Bridge With 90,000.
Devotes a Good Deal of Time to Republican Quarrels in Mississippi and Alabama.
Hon. John R. Lynch, Mr. Harrison's Fourth Auditor of the Treasury, was in the city to-day and talked freely on political matters. He has made speeches recently at Boston, and in Wisconsin and Illinois and is now enroute to his old home at Natchez, where he will remain till after the election. Being asked if he had noticed that Mississippi had out a Republican electoral ticket, he said:
"Yes, I see that the Hill faction has put out an electoral ticket, but it will amount to nothing. The Hill faction in Mississippi is about on a par with the Stevens faction in Alabama. The National party leaders believe that under the existing order of things, it is useless for Republicans to make straight party nominations in the extreme Southern States, except here and there in Congressional districts, where the local circumstances may justify a different course.
"If there be an effective organization in such States and districts in opposition to the regular Democrats, outside of the Republican party, the better course for the Republicans to pursue is to cooperate, as far as it may be practicable for them to do so, with said organization. This is the course that is being pursued by Southern Republicans generally, especially in Alabama, Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi. But there is a small crowd of dissatisfied Republicans in Alabama and Mississippi who insist upon making straight party nominations for everything, against the wishes and contrary to the judgment of the National leaders. These men are working, of course, in the interest of the Democrats and it is now generally believed that they are working under instructions from Democrats.
"At any rate the National Committee has discovered just what their purposes are and therefore has decided to take decisive steps in the matter by recognizing in Alabama the State Committee of which Dr. Mosely is chairman, and in Mississippi the Committee of which J. M. Matthews is chairman. The controversy is therefore decided by the only tribunal that can pass upon it."
Lynch says the Republicans will carry New York, Indiana, Connecticut and Illinois. He thinks New York is more reliably Republican than Indiana, and that the Republicans will reach Harlem bridge with more than 90,000 majority.
Daily State Ledger, “Daily State Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 7, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/1228.
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