Vicksburg Daily Times clipping

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We are in receipt of the first number of this paper. It is a handsome eight page monthly, edited and published by the Rev. James Lynch, at Jackson, Mississippi. The number before us is filled with choice selections and original matter. Mr. Lynch has never been considered an extremist in politics, although his editorials are fully up to the most advance positions taken by the Republican party. The Review is put at the low price of fifty cents per annum, which certainly brings it within the reach of all. From Mr. Lynch's salutatory, we take the following:

The editor of this paper believes that the American form of government is the best in the world; that this nation is the highest development of the wisdom and virtue of the world; that its influence is to cross, from both its eastern and western shores, to the old world, retouching the nations of Europe, and giving them a higher civilization; bathing the continent of Africa in its light, and bidding it stand among the nations of the earth, not ashamed. He also believes that the south shall bear a grand part in this great work; that, though she stands with unhealed wounds, and full of the scars of war, she is but the better metal for having passed through a heated furnace of bloody revolution. The increasing demand for labor, the increasing respect for and confidence in the colored man's capacity and fidelity, and the conquest of reason over prejudice, all foreshadow the happy cooperation of both races in making this land what circumstances and events point out, with unerring certainty, as the design of Providence.

Partizan spirit, like the storms which sweep over the ocean, may wreck many interests dear to the people of the state, and retard progress; but, like angry waves and seething foam, it cannot change the laws which govern the great ocean of public mind, which will assert their sovereign power in the interests of good government. We have faith in the public conscience at all times and everywhere. We have faith, too, in the sympathy of the thousands to whom we have talked from pulpit, platform, and stump, for near five years in Mississippi, which encourages us to start this paper, without capital, save that which is in earnestness and energy, and an abiding confidence in those to whom we appeal for support.





Vicksburg Daily Times, “Vicksburg Daily Times clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 14, 2025,

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