Freeman clipping

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Of Mississippi, a Successful Lawyer, an Able Legislator and a Brilliant and Trenchant Editorial Writer - A Life Worthy of Emulation

Prepared for The Freeman.

Col. G. F. Bowles, the subject of this sketch, was born in Charleston, S. C., June 20th, 1844, of slave parents.

His parents having a strong desire that he should become educated, early placed him in school. In his search of knowledge he attended various schools in South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky. At a very early age young Bowles firmly resolved to push himself through this busy, bustling throng of struggling humanity, place himself among those of the foremost ranks and make himself a power among his people. That he has faithfully kept his promise and stuck to his resolutions is clearly demonstrated throughout the whole of his eventful career. In 1863, with scarcely nineteen summers behind him, yet with a heart overflowing with patriotism and loyalty to his country he joined the army of the Union and there fought bravely for the maintenance of true American principles, serving with honor and distinction until its close.

After giving much thought as to how next he could best serve his people and thereby win honor and distinction for himself, he with a decided inclination toward the practice of law finally concluded to prepare himself for that profession, and, after several years of hard study and the strictest application, he finally acquired such a degree of knowledge in law that he was prompted to apply for license to practice. After a thorough and rigid test of his competency to enter the profession he was granted license and admitted to the Tennessee bar, in 1868, at the age of twenty-four. Practicing in the courts of Tennessee until 1871, he moved to Natchez, Miss., his present home, thinking it a richer and riper field for a colored man of the legal profession. After arriving at Natchez he resumed the practice of law, and at once made himself felt as a civil and criminal lawyer by other members of the legal fraternity. In 1872 he was admitted to the Supreme Court bar of his own State and Louisiana, at which he now enjoys a large and well paying practice. Since his removal to Natchez he has at the demand of his fellow men held various positions of honor and trust which at once marks him as a man of superior talent and a gentleman of sterling principles. After one year's residence in Natchez he was elected City Attorney, and in the same year the position of City Weigher was thrust upon him. In 1878 he was commissioned to fill the very important position of Colonel of the Militia, and in the following year he was elected City Marshal and Chief of the Police Department.

He was elected Representative of Adams county, Miss., to the Legislature without opposition in 1888, of which body he is now a member. Col. Bowles was also a member of the Chicago Republican Convention of 1888, which nominated Harrison and Morton. At present Mr. Bowles is Grand Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias of the State of Mississippi, having been elected to that important position three consecutive terms, which is mark of his popularity with that powerful organization. He is also Supreme Commander of the Universal Brotherhood; a very large and flourishing benevolent society, and is also manager and editor of "The Brotherhood," a bi-monthly newspaper having a large circulation in his State. Mr. Bowles has done much toward crushing to earth race prejudice in his profession, and always takes a prominent part in all questions pertaining to the interests of his people.

As a business man, scholar and lawyer he is far above the ordinary and is a striking example for the rising youth of his race. GREEN A. STEPHENS.





Freeman, “Freeman clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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