Southern Argus clipping

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Hannibal C. Carter, of Chicago, was born at New Albany, Ind., February, 1835, but his early childhood was spent in Toronto, Can.

He received a common school education in the city of New Albany, and when old enough, learned the barber trade with his father. He was on the Mississippi steamer “Vicksburg” when the war broke out. This steamer ran on the lower Mississippi. A few days after Gen. Butler occupied New Orleans Carter and his brother Edward made their way to him in safety.

Shortly after they arrived they petitioned Gen. Butler to allow them to raise a regiment of colored troops. This request was granted, and in October, 1862, was mustered into service. Comrade Carter and his brother received what was possibly the first commission issued to colored men. He was captain in the Second regiment Louisiana Native Guards, corps De Africque. He assisted in the reconstruction of Tennessee in 1867, and was elected from the Eighth congressional district in 1868. He afterwards went to Mississippi and assisted in reconstruction there and represented Warren county in the legislature, and was twice appointed secretary of state. He removed from Vicksburg, Miss., in 1886, where he now resides. His career as a soldier was a meritorious one, and at no time during the terrible conflict did Comrade Carter ever fail in all that pertains to a good soldier.





Southern Argus, “Southern Argus clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 9, 2025,

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