San Francisco Call clipping

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LOS ANGELES, Aug. 10. Interest in matters political in this city to-day centered in the Democratic convention for the election of delegates to the State convention and the selection of a County Central Committee. Judge Albert M. Stephens was elected chairman. In his speech accepting the honor he said:

"I am glad the Democratic party has cast out of the party that tool of the monopolies, Grover Cleveland."

The morning session was enlivened by the contest in Cahuenga Precinct, which resulted in the throwing out of J. W. Mitchell, a man who has been prominently identified with the Democracy of this county for many years, and the seating of G. W. Albright, a negro, in his stead. During the discussion accompanying this action the lie was freely passed and at times personal encounters between Mitchell and members of the convention were barely averted.





San Francisco Call, “San Francisco Call clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed February 19, 2025,

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