The Comet clipping

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The Independents of Hinds county met in convention at Raymond yesterday. The attendance was quite small and the Convention was generally regarded as a failure. There was scarcely any enthusiasm, we are informed, even among the delegates, and no interest whatever was manifested by the citizens of Raymond. A committee was appointed to present nominations to the Convention, and while the committee was absent the Convention was addressed by Gen. Reuben Davis in a speech of about two hours duration. At the conclusion of General Davis' remarks, Mr. S. D. Currie, Chairman of the nominating committee, presented the following list of nominees: For Senator, J. T. Hull; for Sheriff, J. W. Chrisler; for Chancery Clerk, W. A. Montgomery; for Circuit Clerk, McCloud, (col.;) for Assessor, E. H. Sibley; for Treasurer, L. W. Carraway; for Surveyor, W. H. Collins; for Representatives, L. K. Atwood, (col.,) J. D. Hollingsworth, T. A. Nutt, (col.,) J. F. Burnett. The report of the committee had not been acted upon when our informant left Raymond, but he thinks it quite probable that the report was adopted as a whole. The delegates to the Convention christened themselves the National Greenback party. We understand that several colored men had their names stricken from the rolls of the party before the Convention adjourned. -Vicksburg Herald.


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The Comet, “The Comet clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 14, 2025,

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