Vicksburg Evening Post clipping
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A Fusilade and a Foot-race.
The trouble which has been brewing for some time between Alderman Wesly Crayton, and Hannibal C. Carter, both colored, culminated in a shooting scrape in front of Carter's saloon on Washington street last night about 7:30 o'clock. Crayton had heard of numerous threats and derogatory remarks made against him by Carter, and had borne the same until forbearance had ceased to be a virtue. Some very insulting remarks recently made by Carter about Crayton's saloon and business, caused Crayton to go to Carter last evening and ask him if he had used such language. Carter replied that he had! when Crayton struck him with his fist and then changed his walking stick from his left hand to right hand and commenced to cane Carter. The latter immediately drew a pistol and began firing on Crayton, and continued to fire until he emptied the pistol. Crayton was not armed at the time hostilities began but somebody handed him a small pistol, with which he opened fire on Carter, when Carter commenced running and calling at the top of his voice for protection, and crying out if the bystanders were going to stand there and see him murdered in cold blood. After Crayton had fired three shots, the pistol he had refused to work or explode the cartridges. About this time Deputy Marshal Edwards and a policeman appeared upon the scene and arrested Crayton and Carter.
After being arrested Crayton and Carter gave bond for their appearance before Mayor Powell this morning, who turned the case over to 'Squire Loewenberg to-day. The trial has been set for to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
The trouble which has been brewing for some time between Alderman Wesly Crayton, and Hannibal C. Carter, both colored, culminated in a shooting scrape in front of Carter's saloon on Washington street last night about 7:30 o'clock. Crayton had heard of numerous threats and derogatory remarks made against him by Carter, and had borne the same until forbearance had ceased to be a virtue. Some very insulting remarks recently made by Carter about Crayton's saloon and business, caused Crayton to go to Carter last evening and ask him if he had used such language. Carter replied that he had! when Crayton struck him with his fist and then changed his walking stick from his left hand to right hand and commenced to cane Carter. The latter immediately drew a pistol and began firing on Crayton, and continued to fire until he emptied the pistol. Crayton was not armed at the time hostilities began but somebody handed him a small pistol, with which he opened fire on Carter, when Carter commenced running and calling at the top of his voice for protection, and crying out if the bystanders were going to stand there and see him murdered in cold blood. After Crayton had fired three shots, the pistol he had refused to work or explode the cartridges. About this time Deputy Marshal Edwards and a policeman appeared upon the scene and arrested Crayton and Carter.
After being arrested Crayton and Carter gave bond for their appearance before Mayor Powell this morning, who turned the case over to 'Squire Loewenberg to-day. The trial has been set for to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock.
Vicksburg Evening Post, “Vicksburg Evening Post clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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