Clarion-Ledger clipping
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The Colored Men on the Ames Ticket.
A. K. Davis, the Ames nominee for Lieutenant Governor, is the best man on the Rabble ticket. He was born and raised in this city. Our people will recollect him as the colored youth who, a few years immediately before the war, was the constant and attentive guide of Rev. Mr. Lane, the blind teacher and humanitarian of the Blind Asylum, in this city. During the war, he passed out of our view; and was next heard of as a member of the Convention of 1868, from Noxubee county. He has since that time been returned two successive terms to the Legislature. In that body, with the exception of one or two other Radicals, he enjoyed a larger share of the good-will of the Conservatives than any other member of his party. Without in the least degree compromising his manhood, he has invariably displayed the respect which most well-raised Southern colored men have felt for the whites of their own section; and his conduct has been free from the truculence and ill-breeding characteristic of the carpet-bag darkey, who has abandoned his tonsorial vocation in the North to perform the mission of legislator for the South. It is probable that if the Ames ticket should be elected (which God forbid) the nominee for Lieutenant Governor will succeed to the office of Chief Magistrate of the State, bewildering as the fact may be, and this mention of his antecedents may not be without interest.
A. K. Davis, the Ames nominee for Lieutenant Governor, is the best man on the Rabble ticket. He was born and raised in this city. Our people will recollect him as the colored youth who, a few years immediately before the war, was the constant and attentive guide of Rev. Mr. Lane, the blind teacher and humanitarian of the Blind Asylum, in this city. During the war, he passed out of our view; and was next heard of as a member of the Convention of 1868, from Noxubee county. He has since that time been returned two successive terms to the Legislature. In that body, with the exception of one or two other Radicals, he enjoyed a larger share of the good-will of the Conservatives than any other member of his party. Without in the least degree compromising his manhood, he has invariably displayed the respect which most well-raised Southern colored men have felt for the whites of their own section; and his conduct has been free from the truculence and ill-breeding characteristic of the carpet-bag darkey, who has abandoned his tonsorial vocation in the North to perform the mission of legislator for the South. It is probable that if the Ames ticket should be elected (which God forbid) the nominee for Lieutenant Governor will succeed to the office of Chief Magistrate of the State, bewildering as the fact may be, and this mention of his antecedents may not be without interest.
Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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