New National Era clipping

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He is, perhaps, not beyond twenty-three years of age, but shows a mind of great maturity. In 1871 he was elected as an Alderman from his ward against a strong man on the Democratic ticket; and though the ward is nearly evenly balanced, yet young Edwards carried it by a substantial majority. His course as an Alderman is marked with great success, and is approved of by all parties. He never flinches whenever a question is brought up in which his race is interested, but takes a firm and unyielding stand.

He attended school in this city under the auspices of missionary teachers from the North, but he is hungering after more education with a greater desire than Oliver Twist did after more porridge. He presents a fine appearance - quadroon in mixture of blood - has a large head thickly covered with beautiful auburn hair, combed loosely behind his ears. When my friend Mr. E. satisfies his thirst after knowledge, he will then have prospects before him equal to any young man in the State.





New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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