New National Era clipping
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of Issaquena county. Here is a handsome man, of unadulterated African blood, but with features as fine as any Anglo-Saxon. Mr. Griggs is inclined to be large and fleshy, and suffers nothing to disturb his mental quietness. He has no patience with those members who are fond of showing off their mental calibre in long, glowing speeches, and he, more than any other member of the House, compels these long-winded fellows to keep their seats by moving the previous question on them. He is quicker on the previous question and adjournment than any other member, and almost always has a sufficient number to back him. Last May, in our State Convention, while many delegates were engaged in angry discussion he quickly got the floor, and while every member was looking for a speech from him - as he wore an expressive countenance - he said, solemnly, but with a trick behind it all, "I wonder, Mr. Chairman, after all this angry discussion, if the best way to settle this whole matter would not be by calling for the previous question?" Every member's angry countenance turned into roars of laughter, and fifty members rose to second the call and the whole thing was settled. He is a genial soul, a firm friend, and a faithful Representative. He is a native of Tennessee, was held as a slave, never attended school, but has made good progress in educational acquirements. He served in the army for three years, and was mustered out as orderly sergeant. He is now serving his second term in the Legislature, stands well in his county, and report says his people intend to make him their next Sheriff.
of Issaquena county. Here is a handsome man, of unadulterated African blood, but with features as fine as any Anglo-Saxon. Mr. Griggs is inclined to be large and fleshy, and suffers nothing to disturb his mental quietness. He has no patience with those members who are fond of showing off their mental calibre in long, glowing speeches, and he, more than any other member of the House, compels these long-winded fellows to keep their seats by moving the previous question on them. He is quicker on the previous question and adjournment than any other member, and almost always has a sufficient number to back him. Last May, in our State Convention, while many delegates were engaged in angry discussion he quickly got the floor, and while every member was looking for a speech from him - as he wore an expressive countenance - he said, solemnly, but with a trick behind it all, "I wonder, Mr. Chairman, after all this angry discussion, if the best way to settle this whole matter would not be by calling for the previous question?" Every member's angry countenance turned into roars of laughter, and fifty members rose to second the call and the whole thing was settled. He is a genial soul, a firm friend, and a faithful Representative. He is a native of Tennessee, was held as a slave, never attended school, but has made good progress in educational acquirements. He served in the army for three years, and was mustered out as orderly sergeant. He is now serving his second term in the Legislature, stands well in his county, and report says his people intend to make him their next Sheriff.
New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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