Daily Commercial Herald clipping

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Hicks, Wilson, active 1868-1896; Rankin County (Miss.)

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The Would-be Congressman Takes Exceptions to the Remarks of a Colored Brother, and a Lively Racket Follows.

Brandon, Miss., Feb. 20. The Republicans of Rankin county held a mass meeting here to-day. It was called to order by Wilson Hicks, chairman of the executive committee. H. Johnson, colored, was chosen temporary chairman, and R. L. Johnson, colored, secretary. Johnson, in accepting the chairmanship, made use of the remark that he wanted to see a commingling of the races.

Hon. Henry Kernaghan made a speech denouncing the remark of the chairman, saying he wanted nothing of the kind, and asked that the meeting denounce Johnson and his remarks and elect another man for permanent chairman. The meeting then elected Hon. Wilson Hicks, colored, chairman, and J. M. Hicks, colored, secretary. The meeting then elected delegates to the State and district conventions which meet in Jackson next week.

Resolutions endorsing Harrison, Bruce, Lynch and Kernaghan were adopted, after which E. H. Johnson, a colored attorney of this place, served notice on the chairman that the delegations to the State and district conventions would be contested. This brought on considerable wrangling, which resulted in H. M. Kernaghan striking E. H. Johnson over the head with a cane.

Hon. Henry Kernaghan and Capt. J. L. McCaskill, an attorney of this place, a Democrat, had some words about this time, growing out of a remark of Kernaghan's to Johnson, to get Capt. McCaskill to fix the verbiage of his notice of contest. Sheriff Dobson interfered and no harm was done. All parties are now friendly and the meeting adjourned after electing an executive committee.




Daily Commercial Herald, “Daily Commercial Herald clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed October 18, 2024, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/584.

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