Vicksburg Evening Post clipping

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The Republican Convention at Greenville.

The Third Congressional District Republican Convention met at Greenville at 12 o'clock m. yesterday.

W. H. Smith of Washington county, was elected Chairman and G. W. Gilliam, of Coahoma, Secretary.

Seven of the ten counties comprising the District were represented; Sunflower, Quitman and Sharkey had no delegates.

The Convention upon the recommendation of a committee of nine, appointed for the purpose of determining the advisability of naming a candidate for the 53rd Congress, decided to make no nomination.

During the early hours of the session the death of Hon. Gilbert Horton, ex member of the legislature from Washington county, and at one time a leading politician in the district, was announced, and suitable resolutions expressive of the convention's sympathy were passed.





Vicksburg Evening Post, “Vicksburg Evening Post clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed October 18, 2024,

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