New National Era clipping
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of Holmes county. Mr. H. is a native of South Carolina, but came here many years before the war. He has held several very important positions in his county under appointment from Gen. Ames, and was elected to the Legislature in 1871. He fills places on some of the most important committees, and is a valuable member of the House. In appearance he shows a predominance of Anglo-Saxon blood; hair of the finest quality, color of a brunettish cast, prominent forehead, expressive eyes, nose somewhat Romanish, with a mouth that looks somewhat wicked. He is of ordinary stature and has a fine carriage.
of Holmes county. Mr. H. is a native of South Carolina, but came here many years before the war. He has held several very important positions in his county under appointment from Gen. Ames, and was elected to the Legislature in 1871. He fills places on some of the most important committees, and is a valuable member of the House. In appearance he shows a predominance of Anglo-Saxon blood; hair of the finest quality, color of a brunettish cast, prominent forehead, expressive eyes, nose somewhat Romanish, with a mouth that looks somewhat wicked. He is of ordinary stature and has a fine carriage.
New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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