Semi-Weekly Clarion clipping
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Arrest of the Assessor and Board of Supervisors of Warren County.
On the 6th of February last Col. Wm. H. McCardle, of the Herald, made oath before R. Barnett, city Judge of Vicksburg, that E. W. Folkes, Assessor of Warren county, had been guilty of misdemeanor and malfeasance in office by knowingly and willfully violating the law of the State entitled "An act to prohibit improper allowances by Boards of Police, approved January 29th, 1862," inasmuch as he did apply for and obtain from the Board of Supervisors of the county of Warren an allowance of $4,087.74 from the county funds in addition to his salary. The case came up last Saturday before Judge Barnett in the city of Vicksburg, and the accused was bound over to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court in the sum of $2,000. Folkes, it is reported, has been removed from office.
At the same time Col. McCardle made affidavit that J. H. Leitch, Albert Johnson, W. McGhee, Henry Hunt and J. S. Alexander, members of the Board of Police of Warren county had been guilty of the same crime in making the allowance above stated. On Saturday last four of the parties appeared in court, and waiving an examination, were placed under a bond of $2,000. The negro, Albert Johnson, who misrepresents Warren county in the Legislature, pleaded his exemption from arrest and refused to make his appearance. It would be well for the Governor to take his case in hand while he is turning thieves out of office.
If the public-spirited men throughout the State would imitate the example of Col. McCardle, much of the plundering of the tax-payers by political adventurers would be stopped. Teach them that civil law is now the order of the day, and not the bayonet power by which Ames thrust them into office, and they will be forced to desist altogether or turn their high-handed robberies into petty larcenies.
On the 6th of February last Col. Wm. H. McCardle, of the Herald, made oath before R. Barnett, city Judge of Vicksburg, that E. W. Folkes, Assessor of Warren county, had been guilty of misdemeanor and malfeasance in office by knowingly and willfully violating the law of the State entitled "An act to prohibit improper allowances by Boards of Police, approved January 29th, 1862," inasmuch as he did apply for and obtain from the Board of Supervisors of the county of Warren an allowance of $4,087.74 from the county funds in addition to his salary. The case came up last Saturday before Judge Barnett in the city of Vicksburg, and the accused was bound over to appear at the next term of the Circuit Court in the sum of $2,000. Folkes, it is reported, has been removed from office.
At the same time Col. McCardle made affidavit that J. H. Leitch, Albert Johnson, W. McGhee, Henry Hunt and J. S. Alexander, members of the Board of Police of Warren county had been guilty of the same crime in making the allowance above stated. On Saturday last four of the parties appeared in court, and waiving an examination, were placed under a bond of $2,000. The negro, Albert Johnson, who misrepresents Warren county in the Legislature, pleaded his exemption from arrest and refused to make his appearance. It would be well for the Governor to take his case in hand while he is turning thieves out of office.
If the public-spirited men throughout the State would imitate the example of Col. McCardle, much of the plundering of the tax-payers by political adventurers would be stopped. Teach them that civil law is now the order of the day, and not the bayonet power by which Ames thrust them into office, and they will be forced to desist altogether or turn their high-handed robberies into petty larcenies.
Semi-Weekly Clarion, “Semi-Weekly Clarion clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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