New National Era clipping

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It is always a pleasant task to write of one to whom we feel somewhat attached, though it may not be by intimate acquaintance. But the first time I saw
of Desoto county, a feeling of reverence and high regard rose in my bosom for him. He has a dignified countenance, and nothing mean is allowed shelter with him. He detests a mean act and the person who does it. He weighs every man according to his merit. He was one of the war horses in anti-slavery times in Ohio, and an incessant laborer for twenty-two years in the holy cause. Scores of men who escaped from slavery now bless his name for the assistance he gave them in their flight for freedom, and the proudest recollection of his life is his labors in the anti-slavery cause. His great aim since he has been in the State is for the mental improvement and moral elevation of our people. He took a firm stand in that direction the moment he came here, and brings his old anti-slavery perseverance and tenacity into operation to further his heart's object.

He was a student at Oberlin College, but did not take a thorough course. He is, however, a man of fine mind and of great force. He was elected to the Legislature in 1871, is Chairman of the Committee on Penitentiary, and a member of several other important committees. He now has charge of a large Baptist church, and during the vacation of the Legislature he superintends a large school in his county. In appearance he is short and very stout, exhibits about one-half of the Anglo-Saxon blood, a narrow fringe of whiskers around his face, and a pleasant, kind, and genial countenance.




New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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