Clarion-Ledger clipping
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Fire and Brimstone.
Our Hinds county readers doubtless have a remembrance of a colored politician named William Johnson, who figured variously as member of the Legislature, public school teacher and general manager of the Radical organization in the Raymond district in the days of its power. It seems that a disgust came over him after the election in 1875, and that he left the State with other discarded office holders, and entered the service of Beast Butler. Recently he wrote a letter which the Hinds County Gazette has brought to light, showing his tender regard for our people. It is as follows:
WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 21, 1876.
DEAR ---:
I have just received one letter from Mr. Sneed and none from Stewart. Let the Democrats blow and bray at me - howl after me like a pack of dogs sitting on a hill baying the moon. I certainly will not be injured by their vain threats and denunciations. I did much by showing up on Mississippi Devils, to secure the election of Gen. B. F. Butler. You can imagine how I skinned those Hell hounds, in this free christian country, where I could do so without fear, and in the presence of thousands of intelligent and applauding citizens. I dipped my tongue in sulphur and painted them with horns, tails and scales, and made them look as mean, hellish and odious as you know them really to be.
Our Hinds county readers doubtless have a remembrance of a colored politician named William Johnson, who figured variously as member of the Legislature, public school teacher and general manager of the Radical organization in the Raymond district in the days of its power. It seems that a disgust came over him after the election in 1875, and that he left the State with other discarded office holders, and entered the service of Beast Butler. Recently he wrote a letter which the Hinds County Gazette has brought to light, showing his tender regard for our people. It is as follows:
WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 21, 1876.
DEAR ---:
I have just received one letter from Mr. Sneed and none from Stewart. Let the Democrats blow and bray at me - howl after me like a pack of dogs sitting on a hill baying the moon. I certainly will not be injured by their vain threats and denunciations. I did much by showing up on Mississippi Devils, to secure the election of Gen. B. F. Butler. You can imagine how I skinned those Hell hounds, in this free christian country, where I could do so without fear, and in the presence of thousands of intelligent and applauding citizens. I dipped my tongue in sulphur and painted them with horns, tails and scales, and made them look as mean, hellish and odious as you know them really to be.
Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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