Clarion-Ledger clipping
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Lauderdale's Pensioner.
From the Vicksburg Herald.
That saintly and corpulent African from Meridian, Rev. and Hon. J. Aaron Moore, is still hanging around the capitol, gathering crumbs from the public table. We see a bill has been introduced for his "relief," but the unintelligible reporter of the Pilot fails to let the public know what kind of removal or alleviation of calamity, pain, sorrow or other evil, Aaron desires. Aaron is an excellent blacksmith, and had he returned to the hammer and anvil when his legislative term expired, would, by this time, have fully recovered from the loss he sustained through his own incendiary teachings.
From the Vicksburg Herald.
That saintly and corpulent African from Meridian, Rev. and Hon. J. Aaron Moore, is still hanging around the capitol, gathering crumbs from the public table. We see a bill has been introduced for his "relief," but the unintelligible reporter of the Pilot fails to let the public know what kind of removal or alleviation of calamity, pain, sorrow or other evil, Aaron desires. Aaron is an excellent blacksmith, and had he returned to the hammer and anvil when his legislative term expired, would, by this time, have fully recovered from the loss he sustained through his own incendiary teachings.
Clarion-Ledger, “Clarion-Ledger clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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