Vicksburg Herald clipping
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J. Allen Ross Dangerously Wounded, and Parson Gray a Fugitive.
To Refuse a Negro Credit is an Insult that can Only be Atoned for with Blood!
From a passenger on the steamer City of Vicksburg, which arrived yesterday, we learn some particulars of a bloody affray that occurred in Greenville, Washington county, last Thursday, in which those negro outlaws, J. Allen Ross, and Governor Ames' Brigadier-General of Militia, Parson Gray, were participants.
It seems that some two months since, Gray proposed to purchase from Messrs. Brill & Bros., dealers in gentlemen's furnishing goods, a suit of clothes on a credit. Not liking the investment, Messrs. B. & Bros. declined the negotiation. Gray regarded this refusal to sell him goods on a credit as a gross insult, and last Thursday he went into the store and commenced abusing one of the firm for that refusal. Being ordered to leave the premises, he retired with the remark that he would return and "fix him." Gray at once crossed the street to where J. Allen Ross was standing, and after a few hurried words of consultation, they both proceeded to the store of Brill & Brothers. Entering the store first, Ross said to Mr. Brill, "you have insulted my friend, Mr. Gray, and I have come to settle it," and at once drawing a revolver commenced firing at Mr. Brill. The fire was promptly returned, and Ross was wounded in the face, head and neck. When our informant left Greenville, it was not known how severely Ross was wounded, or whether his injuries were likely to prove mortal. Gray, Ames' redoubtable Brigadier General, fled at the first fire, like the cowardly hound he is, and made his way to the country, where it is said he was endeavoring to have the negroes arm and march on Greenville to avenge the shooting of Ross.
The white citizens of Greenville picketed the roads Thursday night, and on Friday everything was quiet up to 9 o'clock p.m. Warrants were issued by a Magistrate for the arrest of Ross, Gray, and Webster, another negro politician, on the charge of inciting the negroes to violence. Ross was unable to attend, Gray could not be found, and Webster gave bail in the sum of $1000 for his appearance when wanted.
We are informed that Ross and Gray smashed the windows of a wholesale liquor house in Greenville, Wednesday night, to avenge a similar insult put upon them by the proprietors - that is, a refusal to sell them goods on a credit. These vagabonds have been the terror of the county for months. They have kept the peacable people of Greenville and Washington county in a perpetual turmoil, and we rejoice in the hope that Ross has received his quietus, and that Gray will soon meet his reward at the end of a strong rope. They are both desperadoes, and are a curse to any community, but they are just the kind of scoundrels that find favor with Governor Ames.
J. Allen Ross Dangerously Wounded, and Parson Gray a Fugitive.
To Refuse a Negro Credit is an Insult that can Only be Atoned for with Blood!
From a passenger on the steamer City of Vicksburg, which arrived yesterday, we learn some particulars of a bloody affray that occurred in Greenville, Washington county, last Thursday, in which those negro outlaws, J. Allen Ross, and Governor Ames' Brigadier-General of Militia, Parson Gray, were participants.
It seems that some two months since, Gray proposed to purchase from Messrs. Brill & Bros., dealers in gentlemen's furnishing goods, a suit of clothes on a credit. Not liking the investment, Messrs. B. & Bros. declined the negotiation. Gray regarded this refusal to sell him goods on a credit as a gross insult, and last Thursday he went into the store and commenced abusing one of the firm for that refusal. Being ordered to leave the premises, he retired with the remark that he would return and "fix him." Gray at once crossed the street to where J. Allen Ross was standing, and after a few hurried words of consultation, they both proceeded to the store of Brill & Brothers. Entering the store first, Ross said to Mr. Brill, "you have insulted my friend, Mr. Gray, and I have come to settle it," and at once drawing a revolver commenced firing at Mr. Brill. The fire was promptly returned, and Ross was wounded in the face, head and neck. When our informant left Greenville, it was not known how severely Ross was wounded, or whether his injuries were likely to prove mortal. Gray, Ames' redoubtable Brigadier General, fled at the first fire, like the cowardly hound he is, and made his way to the country, where it is said he was endeavoring to have the negroes arm and march on Greenville to avenge the shooting of Ross.
The white citizens of Greenville picketed the roads Thursday night, and on Friday everything was quiet up to 9 o'clock p.m. Warrants were issued by a Magistrate for the arrest of Ross, Gray, and Webster, another negro politician, on the charge of inciting the negroes to violence. Ross was unable to attend, Gray could not be found, and Webster gave bail in the sum of $1000 for his appearance when wanted.
We are informed that Ross and Gray smashed the windows of a wholesale liquor house in Greenville, Wednesday night, to avenge a similar insult put upon them by the proprietors - that is, a refusal to sell them goods on a credit. These vagabonds have been the terror of the county for months. They have kept the peacable people of Greenville and Washington county in a perpetual turmoil, and we rejoice in the hope that Ross has received his quietus, and that Gray will soon meet his reward at the end of a strong rope. They are both desperadoes, and are a curse to any community, but they are just the kind of scoundrels that find favor with Governor Ames.
Vicksburg Herald, “Vicksburg Herald clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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