Vicksburg Herald clipping
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Meeting of Citizens.
Greenville Times.]
Pursuant to a call made by some colored men in regard to the present state of excitement in this and adjoining States, the citizens of the town of Greenville, without regard to race, color or former condition, met at Johnson's Hall, and organized by electing Dr. C. W. Lewis as Chairman, and A. G. Pearce as Secretary.
The Chairman stated in brief the object of the meeting, namely: That both parties had met together for the purpose of talking over and arranging any supposed wrongs and grievances inflicted by one race upon the other, with a view to a better understanding in regard to their mutual rights and privileges, and to the allaying of an erroneous impression now existing to the effect that discord, hatred and strife exists between the two races in this community.
On motion of Senator Gray a committee of seven was appointed by the chair to draw resolutions expressive of the feelings and sentiments of the meeting; whereupon the chair appointed as such committee: Oliver Winslow, W. A. Percy, J. W. Piles, W. R. Trigg, J. A. Ross, Jacob Alexander and Ham Green.
During the appointing of the committee and before it retired, speeches were made by Col. Percy, Mr. Ross, Senator Gray and Squire Harris, upon the question of the resolutions, the good feeling which has now and at all times existed in the town of Greenville, and of this county generally, and the mutual dependence of one race upon the other. The committee having retired, speeches were made by Mr. Shadd and Mr. Joshua Skinner, strongly endorsing the object of the meeting. The committee having returned with the following report, which was read by Col. Percy, viz:
Whereas, it has been ascertained that sundry rumors are current as to an impending conflict between the races in this town; and whereas, the peace of our community was never more unbroken than at present, and said rumors are utterly without foundation, and are attributable solely to an excited state of public feeling consequent upon disturbances in other parts of the country; and whereas, the citizens of this community, of both races, are desirous of maintaining its present peaceful and prosperous condition, it is therefore resolved,
1st. That we all recognize the fact that the white and black races of this community are mutually dependent upon each other for their prosperity and well-being; that we pledge ourselves to preserve and maintain the present kindly feeling existing between the two races, and will regard with horror and disgust any attempt to produce unfriendly feeling, or bring on a conflict between them.
2d. That we have the utmost confidence in the will and ability of the town authorities to repress all disturbances and check all disorder, and hold ourselves at all times in readiness to obey any call of the lawfully constituted authorities made in the interests of peace and good order.
3d. That we call upon all citizens to refrain from intemperate language or disorderly conduct, to seek redress for all private grievances alone in the courts of justice, and to foster and cultivate between themselves those kindly relations which a common interest and enlightened humanity alike dictate.
4th. That either the organization or arming of the militia, whether taken from both races equally or from one alone, or any other organization military in its nature, would be in our judgment wholly without cause, entirely unnecessary and productive only of unmixed evil; that we would deprecate as an act most injurious to the public good the sending of public arms by the State authorities to this point, and would recommend that the public arms now here be returned to Jackson.
Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting is hereby instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to his Excellency the Governor.
Greenville Times.]
Pursuant to a call made by some colored men in regard to the present state of excitement in this and adjoining States, the citizens of the town of Greenville, without regard to race, color or former condition, met at Johnson's Hall, and organized by electing Dr. C. W. Lewis as Chairman, and A. G. Pearce as Secretary.
The Chairman stated in brief the object of the meeting, namely: That both parties had met together for the purpose of talking over and arranging any supposed wrongs and grievances inflicted by one race upon the other, with a view to a better understanding in regard to their mutual rights and privileges, and to the allaying of an erroneous impression now existing to the effect that discord, hatred and strife exists between the two races in this community.
On motion of Senator Gray a committee of seven was appointed by the chair to draw resolutions expressive of the feelings and sentiments of the meeting; whereupon the chair appointed as such committee: Oliver Winslow, W. A. Percy, J. W. Piles, W. R. Trigg, J. A. Ross, Jacob Alexander and Ham Green.
During the appointing of the committee and before it retired, speeches were made by Col. Percy, Mr. Ross, Senator Gray and Squire Harris, upon the question of the resolutions, the good feeling which has now and at all times existed in the town of Greenville, and of this county generally, and the mutual dependence of one race upon the other. The committee having retired, speeches were made by Mr. Shadd and Mr. Joshua Skinner, strongly endorsing the object of the meeting. The committee having returned with the following report, which was read by Col. Percy, viz:
Whereas, it has been ascertained that sundry rumors are current as to an impending conflict between the races in this town; and whereas, the peace of our community was never more unbroken than at present, and said rumors are utterly without foundation, and are attributable solely to an excited state of public feeling consequent upon disturbances in other parts of the country; and whereas, the citizens of this community, of both races, are desirous of maintaining its present peaceful and prosperous condition, it is therefore resolved,
1st. That we all recognize the fact that the white and black races of this community are mutually dependent upon each other for their prosperity and well-being; that we pledge ourselves to preserve and maintain the present kindly feeling existing between the two races, and will regard with horror and disgust any attempt to produce unfriendly feeling, or bring on a conflict between them.
2d. That we have the utmost confidence in the will and ability of the town authorities to repress all disturbances and check all disorder, and hold ourselves at all times in readiness to obey any call of the lawfully constituted authorities made in the interests of peace and good order.
3d. That we call upon all citizens to refrain from intemperate language or disorderly conduct, to seek redress for all private grievances alone in the courts of justice, and to foster and cultivate between themselves those kindly relations which a common interest and enlightened humanity alike dictate.
4th. That either the organization or arming of the militia, whether taken from both races equally or from one alone, or any other organization military in its nature, would be in our judgment wholly without cause, entirely unnecessary and productive only of unmixed evil; that we would deprecate as an act most injurious to the public good the sending of public arms by the State authorities to this point, and would recommend that the public arms now here be returned to Jackson.
Resolved, That the Secretary of this meeting is hereby instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to his Excellency the Governor.
Vicksburg Herald, “Vicksburg Herald clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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