Huntsville Gazette clipping
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A Vigorous Protest by Representatives from all the Southern States.
From Washington Republican.)
Nearly a hundred colored representative men from most of the States assembled at Timms's hall last evening to enter a protest against the late call for a convention of colored men, headed by Frederick Douglass and others.
The meeting was called to order by Prof. R. T. Greener, who nominated Mr. E. B. Welborne, of Mississippi, for chairman. Messrs. W. K. Price, of North Carolina, and L. M. Browne, of Tennessee, were chosen secretaries. The president asked for the reading of the call of the proposed convention and the call for this meeting. Both were read. Mr. C. C. Caldwell, of Mississippi, moved the appointment of a committee on resolutions, consisting of 1 member from each State, Territory and District of Columbia there represented. While this committee was out, stirring speeches were made by Prof. Greener, T. H. Green, Mississippi; A. P. Watson, Alabama; J. Willis Menard, Florida; J. B. Harris, Mississippi; Lee Nance, Mississippi; E. J. Waring, Ohio; W. S. Welborne, Mississippi; T. B. Pinn, Virginia, and others, repudiating the action of the local committee in the manner of calling the proposed convention and the selection of Washington as the place. The body was noticeable for its order, intelligence, and the quiet and representative character of the gentlemen there assembled. Upon the return of the committee, the following resolutions were passed unanimously:
WHEREAS, a few citizens of the District of Columbia have taken it upon themselves to call a national convention of the leading colored men of the various states to meet in this city in September next without proper authority and without consulting the representative colored men of the different states and territories; and
WHEREAS, We colored republicans temporarily residing in the district, coming from the several states, do deem it at this time improper and inexpedient to hold said convention, and believing, as we do, that if left to the people said convention would be opposed as called by that committee;
WHEREAS, we believe that this convention was gotten up for the purpose of controlling in a degree the political status of the colored voters in this country; and
WHEREAS, believing that if a convention should be held, the call should be made by representative colored men from the several states and territories; Therefore be it
Resolved, that we repudiate the said call and in mass meeting assembled, appeal to the people to refuse to elect delegates to convention, and show in this manner that the political status of the colored people of this country cannot be controlled by any set of men to further their own interest. That the committee shall also correspond with the leading men in the several states as to the advisability of holding a national convention of colored men, and so to the best time and place to the end that the true desires of the people in every county of the states may be had, and report the same to a meeting of this body at such time as it may direct.
Resolved, that copies of these resolutions be furnished to the public press.
The following gentlemen constitute the committee: C. C. Caldwell, Mississippi; J. W. Curtis, Alabama; R. T. Greener, South Carolina; L. Murray Brown, Tenn.; E. J. Warning, Ohio; J. H. Camper, North Carolina; J. E. Hunt, Maryland; R. S. Smith, Florida; J. W. Coles, Va.; T. L. Upshaw, Ga.; R. P. Randolph, Ills.; A. Freeman, Ind.; J. W. Mays, N.J.; J. H. A. Schureman.
A Vigorous Protest by Representatives from all the Southern States.
From Washington Republican.)
Nearly a hundred colored representative men from most of the States assembled at Timms's hall last evening to enter a protest against the late call for a convention of colored men, headed by Frederick Douglass and others.
The meeting was called to order by Prof. R. T. Greener, who nominated Mr. E. B. Welborne, of Mississippi, for chairman. Messrs. W. K. Price, of North Carolina, and L. M. Browne, of Tennessee, were chosen secretaries. The president asked for the reading of the call of the proposed convention and the call for this meeting. Both were read. Mr. C. C. Caldwell, of Mississippi, moved the appointment of a committee on resolutions, consisting of 1 member from each State, Territory and District of Columbia there represented. While this committee was out, stirring speeches were made by Prof. Greener, T. H. Green, Mississippi; A. P. Watson, Alabama; J. Willis Menard, Florida; J. B. Harris, Mississippi; Lee Nance, Mississippi; E. J. Waring, Ohio; W. S. Welborne, Mississippi; T. B. Pinn, Virginia, and others, repudiating the action of the local committee in the manner of calling the proposed convention and the selection of Washington as the place. The body was noticeable for its order, intelligence, and the quiet and representative character of the gentlemen there assembled. Upon the return of the committee, the following resolutions were passed unanimously:
WHEREAS, a few citizens of the District of Columbia have taken it upon themselves to call a national convention of the leading colored men of the various states to meet in this city in September next without proper authority and without consulting the representative colored men of the different states and territories; and
WHEREAS, We colored republicans temporarily residing in the district, coming from the several states, do deem it at this time improper and inexpedient to hold said convention, and believing, as we do, that if left to the people said convention would be opposed as called by that committee;
WHEREAS, we believe that this convention was gotten up for the purpose of controlling in a degree the political status of the colored voters in this country; and
WHEREAS, believing that if a convention should be held, the call should be made by representative colored men from the several states and territories; Therefore be it
Resolved, that we repudiate the said call and in mass meeting assembled, appeal to the people to refuse to elect delegates to convention, and show in this manner that the political status of the colored people of this country cannot be controlled by any set of men to further their own interest. That the committee shall also correspond with the leading men in the several states as to the advisability of holding a national convention of colored men, and so to the best time and place to the end that the true desires of the people in every county of the states may be had, and report the same to a meeting of this body at such time as it may direct.
Resolved, that copies of these resolutions be furnished to the public press.
The following gentlemen constitute the committee: C. C. Caldwell, Mississippi; J. W. Curtis, Alabama; R. T. Greener, South Carolina; L. Murray Brown, Tenn.; E. J. Warning, Ohio; J. H. Camper, North Carolina; J. E. Hunt, Maryland; R. S. Smith, Florida; J. W. Coles, Va.; T. L. Upshaw, Ga.; R. P. Randolph, Ills.; A. Freeman, Ind.; J. W. Mays, N.J.; J. H. A. Schureman.
Huntsville Gazette, “Huntsville Gazette clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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