Letter to Sarah

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Letter from Cornelius J. Jones to his sister, Sarah Jones Sadler.



Jones, Cornelius J., 1858-1931; Floods--Mississippi--1920-1930

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Cornelius J. Jones
Chief Counsel
Civil War Revenue Cotton Tax Claimants
516 North Seventh Street
Muskogee, Oklahoma

May 9th, 1927

Dear Sister Sarah:

I first must thank God that you are spared to me to write to me for yourself. I am delighted to have your letter, for it is a little more in detail as to the happenings in that distressing time. I can but Thank God that you are spared to me, for remember you are all that is left for me. I know your children have the first claim on your affections, but remember I have a brother's claim which blooms forth from the days of infancy. We have never been apart in spirit, and just to have you alive is a blessing valuable and dear to me. I did not know where to make inquiry after reading of the distress and when I wrote that letter to you in Greenville, and I was so distressed I did not know what to do until I received your letter in reply to mine. Now you are located with Callie, and I know she will do her share for making you comfortable. Your children are a joy to you, and it is a delight to me to know of their devotion to you. You must let me keep in constant touch with you, and do not get tired of writing me all the details of those days when ever you think of something you felt out in the last letter. I want to know what you may know from time to time of the old friends and neighbors white and colored alike, for I sent Red Cross money the day I wrote you first, and have sent more since, and will send more again soon, and expect to keep contributing as long as there is suffering among the people there in that valley section. I am so glad I have means to aid with, and I care very little for the means I have except to help the suffering and distressed among all the people. I heard of death of Harry Small, Kate Lewis, Florane Goodrich, Henry King the grave digger, and Emma King and Lavaina Okelley. If you hear of any other losses, write me the names of them for God knows I am sorry to my heart for that distress among the people. I keep up with the reports from that section every day and will continue to do so as long as information from there will be of interest. I hope Nezzie and her children will do well, but you did not say what their plans might be after the fall of the water. I asked you to tell me your plans regarding your home, and the location of the children for the future. I am glad you are pleased with the outlook there, and likewise I am glad Estella and her husband were prepared to comfort you as they did. When ever you may feel like writing, remember it will be a joy to me at all times. Mrs. Bowers is delighted to the extreme to know of your escape with your life, and she asks to be kindly remembered to you and also extend her regards to Caldonia with best wishes for happiness of all. I received a letter from Quincella last Saturday saying she had a letter from you giving her some details, and she is just delighted to have as good report from you as she has. When we know that water 10 feet deep in her house, and 9 feet deep in yours, give the ideas of the extravagant losses we must be prepared to hear of. Write of all the people you may think of from time to time, and I will, keep you posted with such information as may come my way from time to time. Wishing you and Caldonia the best of health and happiness, I close.

Your brother.
C. J. Jones



Jones, Cornelius J., 1858-1931, “Letter to Sarah,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/1274.

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