Letter to Sarah

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Letter from Cornelius J. Jones to his sister, Sarah Jones Sadler.


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Cornelius J. Jones
Chief Counsel
Civil War Revenue Cotton Tax Claimants
516 North Seventh Street
Muskogee, Oklahoma

September 28th, 1928

Dear Sister Sarah:

I write this letter to let you know I did not forget what day the 25th of September was. I remembered how we used to squabble over your Birth Day cake on that day long long ago. I did not forget to mention it at my home here and how pleasant my memories drifted over those fleeted years, and how I gave God the praise that we have been spared for the long period of time, while we can remember how many of those who mingled with us in our childhood, have been called to the Bar by the Master. He must have left us here to do a service which has not been accomplished, and if so, let us seek to serve the mission whatever it may be. I am sending you one of my late pictures as my gift to you, and while I know it is not up to date now to have pictures hanging around in some places but for me, I make society and society does not make me. I have pictures hanging in my home, and I mean to keep them around when they are pictures of those I reverence. Let me know how you like it, and remember it is all the living remnant of our once large family, including yourself. I am mailing the picture under separate cover in this mail. Mrs. Bowers asks to thank you for words of kind remembrance, and she wishes to be remembered herin also. She also sends her best regards to Caldonia. I send her my well wishes also, and hope for her every success in her line of service. I had a nice letter from Quincella lately, and she says she heard from you recently. I had a letter from Estella last few weeks past saying she was in splendid health likewise her family. I have not heard any word from Greenville for a long time, and should you have any news from there let me have it, for I am deeply interested in all our dear old friends there. Well politics are active and most every person is seeking to do the best he or she thinks to vote right. I do not take any part in politics now, except to vote and express my own choice for president. I am for Alfred E. Smith. Hoover does not come up to my choice of a man for the greatest office in the world. I am not going to canvass for Smith nor for any one else; but I am going to vote for Smith for he has proven a man of ability and executive experience, and these are the chief qualities the people of this country needs for our chief executive. I am in best health I have ever been in, and hope this letter will find you the same.

Your brother
C. J. Jones

Sister; I just had finished this letter and laid it down to take to the office to get it insured, and your letter came before I left the house. I see you remembered that day also. Yes I feel like we have so much to feel thankful for. I often wonder myself at the degree of blessings the Lord has shown you and me. I am 70 years, and every body seem to wonder how is it I look the years of youth I appear. I never feel a pain, and I place this condition to the fact I lean dependingly on God for my guidance and support. Yes I remember old Bill and the sled we rode in those gone by years. I recall all those days, and what a delight it is to realize these days we are spending on the River Side. These are not our days; we have passed our lot of days, and we must be living out those days our kinsfolk left behind, for beside mother, we have lived passed the days of all who have gone before us. They are better off no doubt, but God has so shaped our fate, that we both are living in comfort and in great peace of spirit. Write me all the news from the old South, and remember me to Callie. Tell me. Is Fish Tale with you, or is she at home again. I see you mentioned her in your letter.

Yours as ever
Y. B.



Jones, Cornelius J., 1858-1931, “Letter to Sarah,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/1275.

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