Hinds County Gazette clipping
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"Our Colored Troops Fought Nobly!"
They had high old times at our State Capital the other night. Parson Lynch and Gen. Ames both being absent, (at Washington fixing up the tricks for the political campaign in Mississippi,) the small-fry attempted to run the carpet-bag machine, and, as might have been expected, run it into a knock-down and a drag-out, closing with the encasement of certain parties in the calaboose.
The meeting held that night, in the Senate Chamber, was announced officially thus - "The District Republican (Radical) Club will hold a special meeting in the Senate Chamber for the purpose of transacting IMPORTANT BUSINESS!" Drum and fife announced the arrival of the hour, and by scores those who have hitherto acted with the McKee carpet-bag proscriptionists filed into the State House, for the transaction of the "important business" to be then and there publicly announced.
The President of the Club called the meeting to order in due form, when a series of Resolutions were introduced, the purport of which was TO READ THE REV. JAMES LYNCH OUT OF THE PARTY! AND TO HANG AND BURN HIM IN EFFIGY!!
According to the particulars furnished by the Clarion, the resolutions were supported in set speeches by several "loyal American citizens," when one Norris, one of the aforesaid "loyal American citizens," suggested the propriety of at once proceeding to the execution of the design of the Resolutions, and that the fun be had directly in front of the residence of Rev. James Lynch.
At this juncture, Henry Mayson, (colored,) appeared upon the scene, and demanded that his voice should be heard in the land, and his demand being granted, he proceeded to denounce the whole assembly as a lot of blackguards and a disorganized mob, and closed his remarks by saying: "As far as I am concerned I leave you, and I hope I won't be Ku-Kluxed before I get home."
This was followed by a general stampede, and in less time than it takes to tell the story, there was scarcely a dozen persons remaining in the Hall. Reaching the rotunda of the building, high words ensued and a general fisticuff was indulged in amongst the opposing parties, but the Lynch party being in the ascendency, their opponents were very soon vanquished.
A colored policeman arrested and confined a number of the "disorganized mob" in jail, but the Sheriff took the responsibility of releasing all but two. The two retained were fined $8 each by a colored magistrate.
McCloy's National Republican of the 29th thus recites the affair:
The Rads had a called meeting in the Senate Chamber last night, gotten up by Fisher and others; for the purpose of reading Lynch out of the party. Norris denounced Lynch as a drunken vagabond, and Mason denounced the meeting as a disorganized mob. - Lynch's friends were too strong for the Bitter-Enders, and the meeting broke up in a row. The leading disorganizers are in jail.
They had high old times at our State Capital the other night. Parson Lynch and Gen. Ames both being absent, (at Washington fixing up the tricks for the political campaign in Mississippi,) the small-fry attempted to run the carpet-bag machine, and, as might have been expected, run it into a knock-down and a drag-out, closing with the encasement of certain parties in the calaboose.
The meeting held that night, in the Senate Chamber, was announced officially thus - "The District Republican (Radical) Club will hold a special meeting in the Senate Chamber for the purpose of transacting IMPORTANT BUSINESS!" Drum and fife announced the arrival of the hour, and by scores those who have hitherto acted with the McKee carpet-bag proscriptionists filed into the State House, for the transaction of the "important business" to be then and there publicly announced.
The President of the Club called the meeting to order in due form, when a series of Resolutions were introduced, the purport of which was TO READ THE REV. JAMES LYNCH OUT OF THE PARTY! AND TO HANG AND BURN HIM IN EFFIGY!!
According to the particulars furnished by the Clarion, the resolutions were supported in set speeches by several "loyal American citizens," when one Norris, one of the aforesaid "loyal American citizens," suggested the propriety of at once proceeding to the execution of the design of the Resolutions, and that the fun be had directly in front of the residence of Rev. James Lynch.
At this juncture, Henry Mayson, (colored,) appeared upon the scene, and demanded that his voice should be heard in the land, and his demand being granted, he proceeded to denounce the whole assembly as a lot of blackguards and a disorganized mob, and closed his remarks by saying: "As far as I am concerned I leave you, and I hope I won't be Ku-Kluxed before I get home."
This was followed by a general stampede, and in less time than it takes to tell the story, there was scarcely a dozen persons remaining in the Hall. Reaching the rotunda of the building, high words ensued and a general fisticuff was indulged in amongst the opposing parties, but the Lynch party being in the ascendency, their opponents were very soon vanquished.
A colored policeman arrested and confined a number of the "disorganized mob" in jail, but the Sheriff took the responsibility of releasing all but two. The two retained were fined $8 each by a colored magistrate.
McCloy's National Republican of the 29th thus recites the affair:
The Rads had a called meeting in the Senate Chamber last night, gotten up by Fisher and others; for the purpose of reading Lynch out of the party. Norris denounced Lynch as a drunken vagabond, and Mason denounced the meeting as a disorganized mob. - Lynch's friends were too strong for the Bitter-Enders, and the meeting broke up in a row. The leading disorganizers are in jail.
Hinds County Gazette, “Hinds County Gazette clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/2139.
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