Petition to Governor Adelbert Ames

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Petition from a number of senators and representatives to Governor Adelbert Ames regarding the division of judicial districts.



Document at the Civil War & Reconstruction Governors of Mississippi Project. Original held at the Mississippi Department of Archives & History.

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Feby 2—1874

To his Excellencey
Adelbert Ames Governor of the State of Mississippi

The undersigned Senators and Representatives of the several Counties Composing the Fifth Judicial District Respectfully show unto your honor that on the second day of February A D 1874 there was passed through both Houses of the Legislature a Bill Entitled Senate Bill No Entitled An act to [gap] In the fourth Judicial District and for other purposes

We would further Represent that this Law was passed in a hurry without due deliberation is manifestly unjust and oppresses [?] the Judge of the 5th Judicial District. In this that the Terratory in question is about equally Divided While the amount of population and the amount of business transacted in the Fifth District is almost equal to all of the Business Trans-acted in the first and fourth District in point of Time consumed and in population

The population of the Fifth being upwards of Nine Thousand While the Combined population of the First and fourth Districts Barely Exceeds Ten Thousand The Judge of the Fifth District is required to hold his Court for Twenty Eight Weeks while the Judge of the First District is only required to serve for Fourteen Weeks

It seems to us sir that the Territory and business is unfairly divided in point of population Territory Business and means of access & would Respectfuly petion Your Excellencey to Return Senate bill dissapproved And as In duty Bound your petitioners will ever pray

John Street
Senator of the 6th Dist

T. L. Mendenhall
Senator of 8th Dist

Haskins S Smith M [?]

J Smothers Represintif Claiborn

Richard Christmas Rep from Copiah County

David Buffkin Rep Copiah

Representative from Simpson S Legett

” ” Lawrence E O Cowart

” Smith G. W. Stubbs

” Jasper J. F. Smith

” Jones & Covington E. M. Derall

H B McClure Senator of Jefferson and Franklin

James D. Cessor H. R.
Wm R. Landers H. R.
Representatives from Jefferson


“Petition to Governor Adelbert Ames,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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