New National Era clipping

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of Yazoo county. He is a quadroon, and bears the style of an aristocratic Southerner in his carriage. He is finely shaped, medium size, and exhibits superior training in his intercourse with other persons. He is a native of North Carolina, but was brought here as a slave by his master in 1849. His parents died when he was quite young, and though slaves as a general thing never did feel that their parents would remain with them until death separated them, yet Mr. Dixon felt the loss of his most keenly, lad though he was at their death. He never enjoyed the advantage of school privileges, but has acquired a fair degree of education through efforts of his own. When quite a youth he was bound out to serve a term of years at the carpenter's trade, and was turned out as one of the best workmen his employer ever had. He is now, however, a minister in connection with the Methodist Episcopal Church. When Gen. Ames was Provisional Governor of the State he appointed Mr. Dixon on the Board of Supervisors of his county, and when Gov. Alcorn came into office he appointed him as one of the Justices of the Peace of his county. He filled both of these positions with great credit, and gave satisfaction to all parties. In 1871 he was elected to the Legislature, and he takes a deep interest in all matters coming before that body. He serves on the Committee on Executive Contingent Fund and State Library.

He is a fine, mild gentleman, but finds it hard work to keep quiet in the gay and jolly set of gents, by whom he is surrounded at his boarding-house. He is held in high esteem in his county, and long may he live to do honor to good old Yazoo.



New National Era, “New National Era clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,

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