Brown County World clipping
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The Difference.
Hon. Emanuel Handy is the most rock-ribbed Republican in town, if any one man can claim the distinction. This is the way he explains the difference between Democratic and Republican administrations. When the Republicans are in office, he is always meeting men of means; employers of labor, who ask him if he knows where they can hire a man. When the Democrats are in power, he says the streets are always full of idle men, who ask him if he knows where they can get a job. And Handy is such a good Republican he says this rule held good even last winter when the panic was on. -Globe.
Hon. Emanuel Handy is the most rock-ribbed Republican in town, if any one man can claim the distinction. This is the way he explains the difference between Democratic and Republican administrations. When the Republicans are in office, he is always meeting men of means; employers of labor, who ask him if he knows where they can hire a man. When the Democrats are in power, he says the streets are always full of idle men, who ask him if he knows where they can get a job. And Handy is such a good Republican he says this rule held good even last winter when the panic was on. -Globe.
Brown County World, “Brown County World clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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