Vicksburg Herald clipping
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Furthering a Dirty Scheme.
Jackson Clarion.
A correspondent of the Vicksburg Post gives an account of a political meeting held by the colored voters of Rankin county, to "express a choice of the candidates before the people." All that we want to know about any meeting, to correctly "size it up," is that Wilson Hicks presided over it, and that it endorsed the delectable "Harry" Kernaghan, the defunct postmaster of Brandon, for the office of sheriff of Rankin county.
We trust that our friends in Rankin will not suffer such a dirty scheme to defeat that estimable gentleman and sound Democrat, H. M. Parker, the regularly nominated Democratic candidate, for the office for which Kernaghan has been endorsed by the Wilson Hicks crowd.
Jackson Clarion.
A correspondent of the Vicksburg Post gives an account of a political meeting held by the colored voters of Rankin county, to "express a choice of the candidates before the people." All that we want to know about any meeting, to correctly "size it up," is that Wilson Hicks presided over it, and that it endorsed the delectable "Harry" Kernaghan, the defunct postmaster of Brandon, for the office of sheriff of Rankin county.
We trust that our friends in Rankin will not suffer such a dirty scheme to defeat that estimable gentleman and sound Democrat, H. M. Parker, the regularly nominated Democratic candidate, for the office for which Kernaghan has been endorsed by the Wilson Hicks crowd.
Vicksburg Herald, “Vicksburg Herald clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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