American Citizen clipping
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The Mail says we are not posted as to the facts about the party in Madison. We think we are. The County Executive Committee called a convention, which met July 7th and nominated a full ticket, from Senator to Coroner.
A few persons who were dissatisfied called a mass meeting, which met August 4th, and nominated candidates for Senator and Representatives only.
Two-thirds of this meeting were ex-Radicals, we have been informed. It called itself the Democratic party, and adjourned.
Upon the ticket we find Matthew Levy and Ben Garrett, both colored, for the Legislature. They were nominated, if we understand the matter aright, not because they were faithful and true members of the Democratic Conservative party, but because they were negroes.
Color, and not capacity, was the test.
We never heard of Levy before, and do not know if he was ever a member of the anti Radical party or not. But we have heard of one or more colored Garretts figuring extensively in Radical conventions in Madison county not so very long ago, and we are of the opinion that Ben was one of them.
A few persons who were dissatisfied called a mass meeting, which met August 4th, and nominated candidates for Senator and Representatives only.
Two-thirds of this meeting were ex-Radicals, we have been informed. It called itself the Democratic party, and adjourned.
Upon the ticket we find Matthew Levy and Ben Garrett, both colored, for the Legislature. They were nominated, if we understand the matter aright, not because they were faithful and true members of the Democratic Conservative party, but because they were negroes.
Color, and not capacity, was the test.
We never heard of Levy before, and do not know if he was ever a member of the anti Radical party or not. But we have heard of one or more colored Garretts figuring extensively in Radical conventions in Madison county not so very long ago, and we are of the opinion that Ben was one of them.
American Citizen, “American Citizen clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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