American Citizen clipping
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In our last article in reference to the remarkable "statement" uttered by the leaders of the Bolters and fostered or adopted by Matthew Levy - (who is one of the men offered by these Bob Tails as modern Sydneys and Bayards, fit exemplars of morality and patriotism for the youth of our county) - we said that if the legislation of 1866 was unfriendly to the colored people, it was certainly not more so than that of their special friends of the North, when their own slaves were emancipated. Abundant proof of this assertion may be found in an elaborate pamphlet by J. Z. George, published during the campaign of 1875, to which we beg leave to refer the reader. But the legislation of 1876 is viewed with less favor by such Democrats as Mr. Levy, than that of 1866. That legislation consists of two enactments, both of which are regarded as specially hostile to Radicalism. One of these excludes a man from the ballot box, who is convicted of stealing a hog, pig, shoat, cow, calf, yearling, steer, bull, sheep lamb, goat or kid, of the value of one dollar or more; the other is the act to provide for the registration of voters, which Mr. Levy regarded as so hostile to his race.
American Citizen, “American Citizen clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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