Weekly Flag of the Union clipping

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Mayson, Henry; African American businesspeople; African American barbers

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Barber and Fancy Hair Dresser,

No. 4 Capital Street, Jackson, Miss.

Citizens and strangers visiting the city, wishing an easy shave, and their hair cut in the latest style, or their head champooned, are respectfully invited to give us a call at our Shaving Saloon, where they can have their several wants attended to by the best Barbers, and in the most satisfactory manney.

P.S. HENRY MAYSON, thankful for past favors, respectfully informs his numerous patrons that hereafter his establishment will be closed on the Lord's Day.

Jackson, February 18th, 1857.


Weekly Flag of the Union, “Weekly Flag of the Union clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025, https://msstate-exhibits.libraryhost.com/items/show/750.

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