Vicksburg Evening Post clipping
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A General Panorama of Mississippi Politics.
[Special to the Picayune.]
JACKSON, MISS., Aug 14. The fusion of Democrats and Republicans are too much for Chalmers, with his platform of elective judiciary and railroad supervision.
The independents met at Raymond yesterday, and took in Henry Mayson, colored, as secretary. They disbanded the old thing, and now with a brand new executive committee call a people's mass meeting for Sept. 10, to fight the fusion.
[Special to the Picayune.]
JACKSON, MISS., Aug 14. The fusion of Democrats and Republicans are too much for Chalmers, with his platform of elective judiciary and railroad supervision.
The independents met at Raymond yesterday, and took in Henry Mayson, colored, as secretary. They disbanded the old thing, and now with a brand new executive committee call a people's mass meeting for Sept. 10, to fight the fusion.
Vicksburg Evening Post, “Vicksburg Evening Post clipping,” Mississippi State University Libraries, accessed March 1, 2025,
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